Edward Tulane is an expensive toy rabbit made of china, beloved by a girl named Abilene. But couldn’t care less—he’s vain and self-centered. When Edward is accidentally thrown overboard on an ocean voyage, he begins a miraculous journey, but he can’t move or speak—he’s a toy rabbit! Edward meets an elderly grieving couple who find comfort in Edward’s presence, a hobo and his dog, a farmer in need of a scarecrow, a sad little boy and his very ill sister, and finally a doll mender and an old doll who teach him an invaluable lesson—what it is to love, what it is to lose that love, and how to find the courage to love again. For audiences of all ages.

Arrow R. Storage, Big Wood Landscape, Linda and Bob Edwards, Ginny and Peter Foreman, Carol and Len Harlig, Dan and Jodie Hunt and the Roy A. Hunt Foundation, Marcia and Don Liebich, Kenneth Lewis, Mathieu, Ranum & Allaire, PLLC, Jane Rosen and Scott Miley—Scott Miley Roofing, Carol P. Nie, Priscilla Pittiglio, The Shubert Foundation, Richard Smooke and Family in loving memory of Judith Smooke, Mary Ann and John Underwood, Maryanne and Jerry Whitcomb, Jeri L. Wolfson in support of The Center’s BIG IDEA project We the People: Protest and Patriotism, Barbara and Stanley Zax, and Media sponsor The Weekly Sun
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane sponsor:
Marcia and Don Liebich