Thank you to all our supporters!
Sun Valley Museum of Art is grateful for the support of the following individuals, businesses, foundations, and government agencies for their financial support of our annual operations and programming during the period June 1, 2020–May 31, 2021.
Your support enables SVMoA to enrich our community through transformative and educational experiences throughout the year and makes a difference in our community and beyond.
Your contribution makes a difference in our community and beyond.
Kay Hardy and Gregory Kaslo
Heather Horton—Heather Horton Charitable Fund
Andrea Laporte
Barbara and John Lehman
Ann O’Nomus
Wendy* and Alan Pesky—Pesky Family Foundation
Sharon & Bill Shubin—The Bill & Sharon Shubin Family Foundation, Inc.
Margaret and Brent Simor
Krista Lida Simor
Carol Swig
Roselyne Chroman Swig
$25,000 – $49,999
Association of Performing Arts Presenters
Corry Hart Clayville and Mike Clayville
Kim Kawaguchi and Bob Disbrow
Ann and Mark Edlen and Family
Susan and Ron Greenspan
Kathy and Joe Hardiman—Hardiman Family Foundation
Katie and Rick Lewis
Manitou Fund
Leslie and William McMorrow
Jane Mason—The Richard K. & Shirley S.Hemingway Foundation
Eileen and Kevin Shields
The Smooke Family
Ellen and James Gillespie—von der Heyden Family Foundation
Bex Wilkinson—The Marshall Frankel Foundation
Wells Fargo—The Private Bank
$10,000 – $24,999
Anonymous (2)
B & C
Grace Harvey and John Bailey
Susan Barbey-Booth
Erin and Thomas Bunkley
Trisha Cardoso
Cox Communications
Cynthia and John Chiles
Kelly Corroon and Michael A. Jones
Bobbi Daniels and David Laxson
Elias Construction
The Michael S. Engl Family Foundation
Idaho Commission on the Arts
Sandra and Chip Fisher
Susan Flynt
Galen Family Foundation
Lorraine and Richard Gilden
Barbara and Tod Hamachek
Craig Hartzman and James John
Heinz Family Foundation
Caroline and Stephen Hobbs—Hobbs Builders LLC
Cynthia and Blair Hull—Hull Family Foundation
Islands Fund
Jennifer and Chris Laporte Family Fund—Greater Houston Community Fund
Lee Gilman Builders, Inc.
Robert Lehman Foundation, Inc.
The Lehman Foundation
Maud A. Long—The Springcreek Foundation
Marmot Foundation
The Judith and Marshall Meyer Foundation
Jeanne Meyers—Jeanne Meyers Family Foundation
Linda and Bill Nicholson
Brittain and Peter Palmedo
Ann and John Partridge
Trina and Jake Peters
Robert Rand—The James J. Colt Foundation, Inc.
Tedde and Jim Reid
Rixon + Cronin Charitable Fund
The Robert M. Rogers Foundation
Gail Severn
Jane and Ed Springman
The Swig Foundation
The Shubert Foundation Inc
Trish and Dave Wilson
Jennifer Wilson
Mitchell Wolfson Senior Foundation
Mona and Ed Zander—Mona and Edward Zander Family Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Pamela and John Beckert—Beckert Family Foundation
Michele Bessler
Murphy Blake Group
Ginger and Don Brandt
Jennifer and Steve Bryan
Amber Busuttil Mullen
Lisa and Mark Caputo
Susan and Todd Carter
Stephanie and Jason Child
Sophie Engelhard-Craighead and Derek Craighead—The Charles Engelhard Foundation
Quin and Peter Curran
Elizabeth and Mark de Reus
April and John Delaney—Greater Washington Community Fund
Wendy and Jim Drasdo
Sonya Bouchard and Stephen Duprey
Marguerite and Talton Embry
Andy and John Ersfeld
Sarah Snyder and Daniel Fine
Bessemer Trust
Elaine and John French
Nancy and Ross Goldstein
Cheryl and Murray Hall
Linda Cade and
Terry Halverson
George Hamel III
Karen Hammond and Michael Quattromani
Beverly and George Harad—The Harad Family Foundation
Sylvia and Ronnie Hartman—Long Beach Community Foundation
Vivian and Brian Henderson
Kimberlee Hyp
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Glenn C. Janss
Constance Lawton and Jim Yoder
Suzanne and Carson Levit
Carole Lewis and
Thaddeus Walczak
Marcia and Don Liebich
Katherine O’Malley
Jody and John McNamee
Scott Miley Roofing
Tim Nelson
Sally and Marc Onetto
Rosalie and Dan Peed
Kathryn and Kirk Riedinger
Jennifer and Peter Roberts
Susan Reinstein and Brian Ross
Julie and Preston Sargent
Pippa and Stan Savage
Stephanie Booth Shafran and Steve Shafran—Shafran Family Foundation
Marna and Rockwell Schnabel
Marcia and Brig Smart
Graham Smith
John A. Sofro
Barb and Woody Stuart
The Flanigan Family Foundation
The Mazursky Family Foundation
Gail Thornton
Caryn and Robert Tyre
Stacey Winston-Levitan and Dan Levitan
Lisa Nemec and Edward Zbella
$2,500 – $4,999
Lisa and Richard Altig
Paul Benson
Robert Beyer
Linda and Clay Bowling
Martina Bradford
Sarah and Ryan Brown
Lauri Bunting and Peter Breck
Laurie and Jack Burke
JoAnn and Ron Busuttil
Connie and Vern Buwalda
Micki & Dan Chapin—Dan & Micki Chapin Fund, Inc.
Mary and Michael Colhoun
Lisa and James Colyer
Kristina and Brant Cooper
Katherine J. Durant
Amy Edgy
Candace and Rick Emsiek—Emsiek Family Fund
Susan Engs
Ellen and Joe Fastow
Jennifer and Jamie Forese
Joyce B. Friedman in memory of Norman Friedman
Sheryl and Mark Fullmer—Wood River Roofing INC.
The Gerlits Family Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Karen and Edward Gilhuly
Stacey and Joseph Green
Julie and Tad Gulick
Ellen Harris
Ann Hicks-Thomas
Connie and Gary Hoffman
Dan and Jodie Hunt—Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Lisa Hutchins
Holbrook Newman and Geoff Isles
Elinor Jannotta
Sydney and Jay Johnson
Kathleen M. Jones
Wendy and David Kistler
Barbara and Thomas LaTour
Robin Leavitt and
Terry Friedlander
Sasha Lehman
Judith Weiss Levy
Ruth Lieder Estate
Bobbie Lindsay
Lloyd Construction, Inc.
Sharon and Gregory Maffei
Willa and Jim McLaughlin
Edsel B. Ford II Fund
Larsen Fund
Janet Naifeh
Candace and Charles Nelson
Carol P. Nie Fund
at Spur Community Foundation
Melanie Paisley and Kristin Poole
Jan Philipsborn and Mitchell Hollins
The Quinn Family
Foundation, Inc.
Lisa and James Riddiough
The Oregon Community Foundation
Laura Rose-Lewis and Scott Lewis
Ron Sali
Amber Acker-Sanborn and Reid Sanborn
Jane and Joel Scott
Deane Seeger
Stephanie Booth Shafran and Steve Shafran—The Otis Booth Foundation
Jeff Sisson
Monica Smith
Allison Speer and Fred Moll
Lisa Stelck and Bill Boeger
Nancy and Larry Stone
Catherine Sullivan—The Jack & Catherine Sullivan Charitable Fund
Julie and Bryan Syrdal
Lisa Tilney
Kathryn and Patrick Tooley
Mary Lu Tuthill
Colleen and Charles Weaver
Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF)
Sarah and David Woodward
Cynthia Yorkin
Lark and Gary Young
$1,000 – $2,499
Ahern Family Fund
Anonymous (7)
Lesley Andrus
Sherry Archer
Francie and Hank Ashforth
Amy and Rich Aurilia
San Francisco Foundation
Leslie Benz
Beth McCaw and Yahn Bernier
Roberta and Ronald Bloom
Anita Braker and Dave Olsen
The Bretall Family in loving memory of Norah Bretall
Stacie and Rick Brew
Christine Brumback
Bill Buchanan
Steve Butler
Nancy Cameron and Grahame Clark
Judi and Jeff Camps
Susan Carter Orb
Blakesley and Cyril Chappellet
John Claster
Penny and Harold Coe
Linda and Leonard Cohen
Robert S. Colman
Corroon LLC
Elizabeth Costa de Beauregard
Kristen and Jamie Coulter
Anne and James F. Crumpacker
Carolyn and Woody Cullen
Penelope and James DeYoung
Patricia Duetting and Richard Hare
Gayle and Jim Dunham
Alex and John Engs
The Papoose Club
Linda and Ted Fouts
Stephanie and Harold Fowler
Bunker and Larry Frank
Janet Reider and Tom Frankel
—The Frankel Family Foundation
Laura and Barrett Freedlander
The Garber Family
Patricia Gentry—The Burns Family Foundation
Putter Goodwin
Barbara and Robert Grabowski
Clysie Hammond
Julie and Richard Harrah
Jeffrey Haskell
Fritz Hatton
Teresa Heinz—The Pittsburgh Foundation
Margaret and Bob Houston
Carol Hutchinson
Ellen Foley James
Laurie Joseph
Randi and John Kanellitsas
Marcia Kent
Bonnie and Peter Kremer
Leslie and Michael Lanahan
Olga and Tim Laport
Kate and John Laxson
Carla and Donald Lewis
Andrea and James Lieberman
Lombard Consulting
Services Inc.
Pam Lyford
The Lyons Family
Anne and Scott Mason—Mason Family Restaurants
Margaret and Steve Matecki
Claudia McCain
Ann Morris
Carolyn Morrow
Mary Mott and
Gordon Simmering
Janet Nathanail and
William Flanz
Nemeth-Eagle Trust
Kathy and Brad Nysether
Beverly and Robert O’Neill
Ochsman Foundation, Inc.
Suzie and Garry Pearson
Kim and Scott Pertel
Sherrie Petermann
Brooke Peterson
Brynda and Craig Petrie
Elaine and Michael Phillips
Jill and Gordon Pollock
Arden B. Poole
Elizabeth and Robert Reniers
Melissa Rivelo
Rhonda K. Robbins, M.D.
Sarah and Bill Robertson
Juliet Romano
Pamela Sandine
The Seely Family Fund
John Seiller
Beth Sermersheim
Vicki and Glen Shapiro
Scott Slattery
Darcey Fugman-Small and Rick Small
Nevada Smith
Kate Lally and Paul Solomon
Betsy and Ben Steinberg
Betsi and David Steinberg
Jodie and John Stejer
Stewart Family Foundation
Walter and Shelly Stoecklein
Jamie Stone O’Brien and Matthew O’Brien
Stephen Sundberg
Judith Teller Kaye and David Kaye
Barry Traub
Donna Tuttle
Taylor and Mark Ullman
Debbie and Mark Westman
Lynn and Frank* Whittelsey
Gail and Rhys Wilkie
Sally and James Will
Mary Dewitt Wilson
Jeri L. Wolfson—Wolfson Family Foundations
The Woods Foundation
Julie Zanze
$500 – $999
32 Winds Wine
Art Daves—Altitude Events Group LLC
Anonymous (4)
Susan Banker
Diane Banta
Mary and John Blair
Carol Boswell
Deborah and Jason Brickley
Susan and Brad Brickman
Christian Brown
Colleen Buckley-Reynolds
Cassie and Jim Carroll
Nancy and Charles Cord
Susan and Roger E. Crist
Sarah Davies
Maryanne and Dick Davis
Peggy Dean
Cris and Richard DePosit
Carey and John Dondero
Jessica Williams and Matt Edlen
Sue and Earl Engelmann
Johan Eveland
Sara and Mike Gilman
Stephen Gilman
Alfred Glassell III
Janine and Joe Gonyea
Corey Graham
Peter and Betty Gray
Hannah Gropman
Susan and David Haas
Jennifer Hawks
Heart of Gold Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation
Judy Jellinek
Brad Johnson
Gretchen Johnson
Ron Kase
Suzanne and Hugh Kretschmer
Jane Letourneau and John Frey
Liz Lockette-Thomas and David Thomas
Katie and John MacCarthy
Jan and Bob Main
Pamela Mann and Mark Miller
Flora Mason
Claudia and Laine Meyer—Meyer Family Gift Fund
Martha and Colin Moseley
Rebecca and Jonathan Neeley
Albert Norris
Judy and Don Oliphant
Suzanne and Alex Orb
Heidi Ottley Sinnott and Ed Sinnott
Helen Pardoe
Phyllis Parvin—The Albert Parvin Foundation
Jan and Michael Quinn
Victoire and Alfred M. Rankin, Jr.
Deb Robertson and Jeff Lamoureux
Nina and Larry Rothstein—The Rothstein Mishkin Foundation
Lynda and Robert Safron
Susan and Charles Sawyers
Ann and Irwin Sentilles
The Serratore Family
Elizabeth Shoemaker
Becky and Pete Smith
Ann Stefani
Megan and Justin Stevenson
Penfield Stroh and Arne Ryason
Louise and Trent Stumph
Alexis and Andrew Sweet
Joanie G. Swift
Marcie and William Tompkins
Charlotte Unger
Cynthia King Vance and Lee Vance
Christie and Dave Vik
Christine Warjone
Gay V. Weake and Jay Cassell
Anita Weissberg
Missy Higgins and Colby Williams
Boswell Family Foundation
Rhea S. Schwartz and Paul Martin Wolff Foundation
Heidi and Rick Worcester
$250 – $499
Joan Ahlf
Shannon Aja
Erika Allen
Ruth and Marshall Ames
Martha Andersen
Kristin Anderson
Linda and Scott Andrews
Mickey and Bob Angell
Delvin and Joe Ash
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Anonymous (14)
Barbara Barry
Kathleen and Brian Bean
Claire and Doug Beighle
Chris Benter
Kelly Bird and Bob Lynch
Ruth and Jacob Bloom
Beth and Tod Bolsinger
Deborah and Franklin O. Booth III
Lori and Allen Bouch
Sue and Greg Brakovich
Penelope and Bob Brennan
Julie Brewer
Sue Bridgman and James Dowen
—Sue Bridgman Florist
Brooke Brourman
Patricia Bruder
Lisa Brunacini
Anne and Mike Brunelle
Scott Buehler
Laura and Doug Burdge
Robin Calderon
Scott Cantor
Monica Carlson
Lou Ann and David Casper
Craig Casperson
Marsha Chandler
Lauren and Dan Chiara
Michael Childers
Coleman Family
Katrina and Christopher Cord
Susan and Gary Crowe
Robin Davis
Janet and Roger DeBard
The DeLateur Family
Pamela DeTuncq
Deb and John Dimant
Bob Dix
Cindy Dodge
Kim and Ross Donald
Michael Doty Associates Architects
Pamela and Stephen Doucette
Adriel and Stephen Doyle
Becky Klassen and Buck Drew
Cheri and Thomas Drougas
Miren duPont Sanchez and Luis Sanchez
Elizabeth Leach Gallery
Jenny Emery Davidson and Mark Davidson
Lindsey and Jay Emmer
Joyce Ernst
LeeAnn and Richard Fairfield
Joan and Bill Feldman
Barbara and Jim Figge
Ed Forman
David and Mindy Fox—
Silver Fox Catering
Margery and Bernard Friedlander
Tess O’Sullivan and Jeremy Fryberger
Felicitas Funke
Ryan and Tucker Gates
Marie-Claire Gelbard
Adrienne Germain
Judith and Ernest Getto
Deborah and Robert Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilman
Cathy and Philip Goldstein
Michelle and Baird Gourlay
Gordon Granston
Lolly Greeninger
Lesley Hambleden
Sue and Tim Hamilton
Dennis Hanggi
Carolyn Harper
Lynne and Stephen Heidel
Bridget Higley
Wendolyn Holland
Daniel Hurlbutt
Cathy and George Iliff
Pamela Irby
Anne Jeffery and Jack Sept
Kay and Craig Jensen
Britt and John Johnston
Laura and Scott Jordan
Susan and Jim Keller
Gloria Kimball and Bill Schliiter
Nancy and Bill Kirby
Trish Klahr and Lee Melly
Lisa and John Kohler
Marie and Jack Kueneman
Nicole Lagacé Toeldte and Alexander Toeldte—Toeldte Family Foundation
Cindy Lambert
Jack Lane
Betsy and Ben Lawrence
Debra and Jack Levin
Jami and Noah Levine
Kathie Levison
Karen and Thomas Linden
LeeAnne and Chris Linderman
Coco Lovering
Ken Luplow
Mila and Marty Lyon
Maggie Mack
Kathy and Randy MacMillan
Mary and Stephen Malkmus
Mazzola Family Fund
Anita and Mike McCann
Kathryn and Matthew McNeal
Julie and Steve Meineke
Robin and Lance Meller
Jennifer Middleton
Alison and Joseph Miller
Ira Miller
Sylvia Miller
Kim Taylor and John Milner
Kathy and Stan Miranda
John Mitschrich
Thomas Monge
Jim Mora
Cherie and John Morris
Karen Morrison
Laurie Munoz-Flores
Karen Hughes Murphy
Bettina P. Murray, Ph.D.
Brenda Nancarrow
Shannon and Mark Nini
Courtney Noble
Louise Wilson Noyes and Jay Noyes
Kristen and Phil O’Reilly
Mia Oelerich
Sally and R. Yalcin Okaya
Robert Ordal
Kristin Orr
Cindi and Todd Osborn
Barrett and Maureen Ott
Kim and Gary Palmer
Owen Parmele
Susan Passovoy
Alan Patty
Daren Pennell
Susan and Reuben Perin
Jody Pratt
Margaret Preissman
Lila Preston
Nanci Quesada
Katie and Mike Rabalais
Lisa Ratliffe
Andrea Reid
Julia Richardson
Bev and Brent Robinson
Sara Rogers
Barbara and David Rognlien
Marnie Roozen
Lois Rosen
Jane and Terry Ross
Sandra Rottler
Kathryn Runnells
Stefanie and John Sandberg
Ellen Sanders
Susie Scannell
Janet Schaumburg
Justin Schug
Kristine Schumacher
Mary Louise Sedin
David Seelos
Mike Seyfer
Nancy and David Sheffner
Malea Southward
Caroline and Chris Spain
Candice and Richard Stark
Carol and Robert Stevens
Darci Swanson
Lisa Tarter
Nancie Tatum and Thomas Hennig
Dick Taylor
Gemma and David Tedesco
Lynn and Mikal Thomsen
Dookie and Bill Tingue
C. Bowdoin Train
Gemma Valdez Daggatt and Russ Daggatt
Gretchen Wagner
Stephen Wall
Gwen and Jeff Walters
Nancy and William Warren
Robyn Watson
Chantal Westerman
Joanne Wetherell
Sonya and Mats Wilander
Melisa and Jeffrey Williams
James Wilson and Cynthia Murphy
Gina and John Wolcott
Jane and Jim Woolley
Heidi and Eric Younger
$100 – $249
Lyn Aborn and Scott Molinaroli
MJ Abraham
Barbara and Mark Acker
Margaret Adam
Mary Ahern
Patti and Peter Ahrens
Deborah Albright
Jane and Tom Allen
Lisa-Marie Allen and Peter Hendricks
Margaret Allen
Kelly and Glen Allison
Serena Altschul
Terry and Robert Anderson
Anonymous (46)
Stephen Anthony
Lynn and John Archer
Wes Armand
Deborah Armstrong
Jude Arvidson
Elizabeth and John Ashton
Gary Ashurst
Char and George Bagley
Keith Bailey
Lacey Baker
Brittany Barker
Brent Barsotti
Brian Barsotti
Janet and John Barton
Gretchen and Jay Basen
Molly Baumhoff
Jill and Steven Beck
Sally Behel
Alan Benello
Kathy Benjamin-Nebgen and Gregg Nebgen
Sheryl and Winton Berci
Margaret Berger
Tiffany Berger
Elli and Jerry Bernacchi
KB and Chris Bigelow
Ed Binnie
Kathleen Bjorkman-Wilson and Steven Wilson
Susan and Roscoe Black
Christie and Timothy Black
Nancy Mann Blair and Benjamin Blair
Susan and Arnold Blair
Emmy Blechmann
Kathleen and Hugh Blue
Judy and Etienne Blumberg
Toni, Matt and Georgia Bogue
Harry Bolton
Brooke Bonner and Kyle Baysinger
Patricia and Don Boortz
Marilyn and Stephen Bornemeier
Don Boss
Patty Boudwin
Robert Bradford
Shannon Brandenburg
Kenneth Brantley
Gene Branum
Teresa Brett
Amanda and Sam Brown
Karen Brown
Nicole C. Brown
Rhonda and Richard Brown
Stormi Brown
Keefer Brumbach
Grey Bryan
Paula and Ben Buckendorf
Morgan Buckert and Paddy McIlvoy
Tim and Susan Bundgard
Carrina and Tony Buoncristiani
Nolina Burge and Cliff Frates
Kristin and Chris Burget
Peter Burke and Daniel Leeds
Sara Burns
Teresa Burns
Donna and Steve Burnstead
Tod Burton
Jeff Butler
Scot Buxton
Alma Mills and Ralph Campanale
Cynthia Carr
Emily Carroll
Lenore Carroll
Jeanne Cassell
Sallie Castle
Steven Cecchinelli
Catherine Chalmers
Stephanie and Scott Chamberlain
Lucinda Chapman
Carolyn Chardack
Guy Cherp
Sydney Chickrell
Barb and Ed Christian
Bonnie Clark
Clearwater Landscaping
Anita and James Cleveland
Courtney Cline
Brownell and Douglas Cochran
Julie and John Cohen
Carolyn and Chuck Coiner
Jacqueline Cole
Pamela Colesworthy and Warren Benjamin
Sara Colwell
Cydney Conger
Susanne Connor
Brenda Cook
Jim Coughlin
Kirsten and Michael Coughlin
Karen Cox
Katie Craig
Diann Craven
Kathy Crosson
Joan and Ralph Crowley
Glenn and Stephanie Crumrine
Betsy and Cornelius C. Crusel Jr.
Christina Culver
Martha Cunningham
John Curnow
Sophie Curtis
Judy and Anthony D’Angelo
Sara Britta Dacklin
Diana David
Christine and Tyler Davis-Jeffers
Sara and Bill Davis
Karen and Marc
de Saint Phalle
Liese and John Dean
Mary Dean and Michael Jessen
Denise DeCoster and Ron Barclay
Kathy Deeter
Mary Kim Deffe
Ricardo Delgado
Annette Denker
Amie DiRienzo
Stuart Disston
Leslie Doheny-Hanks
Cindy and Steve Dondero
Marilyn Donofrio
Tammi and Joseph Donoho
Ann Down
Beth Dozoretz
Nancy and Kenneth Dreyer
Kathryn and John Driscoll
Maria Dudunakis and Jerry Boesel
Kirsten and Aaron Duke
Tim East
Maija and Al Eerkes
Cami and Adam Elias and Family
Naomi and Jim Ellison
Michelle Englert
Nina and Bruce Ericson
Scott Esselman
Elissa Eva
The Evans Family
Juli and Rich Evans
Stephanie and Andrew Evans
Cindy and Mike Fabian
Anette Farnham
Kristin Farrell—That’s Entertainment
Scott Featherstone
Patti Felton
Jeani and John Ferrari
Nancy and Chuck Ferries
Claudia Fiaschetti
Jamie Enslin and John Finke
Shannon Finnegan and Michael Burchmore
Daralene and John Finnell
Jill Fishburn
Mary Ann and Mark Fisher
Sandra and John Flattery
Marybeth Flower
Daniel Foster
Judy Foster
Alison Foudy
Jana and Jeff Foushee
Mary Francis
Alli Frank and Scott Pinizzotto
Gretchen Frank
Kim Frank
Tom Frazer
Cecilia Freilich
Kati Freytag
Jocelyn and Myles Friel
Danielle Fuller Thomson
and Scott Thomson
Judianne Fuller
Myra Friedman and Ralph Fullerton
Brooke and Dylan Fullmer
Cathy and Clark Furlow
Theresa Gallant
Arthur Galloway
James Gandolfi and Mary Kay Gandolfi
Kathryn and Robert Gardner
Cassie Phillips and John Garrison
Barbara and Stephen Gerrish
Vanessa Gibbs
Kathy Gibson
Robert Gieselmann
Courtney Gilbert and Jim Keating
Sally Gillespie
Jack Gilligan
Carol and Scott Glenn
Thomas Goetz
Jodie Goitiandia
Dan Gorham
Gretchen and John Gorham
Sara Gorham
Michele and Fritz Grabher
Donna Grabowsky
Jay Graham
Kat Grant Khosrowshahi
Jami and Mark Grassi
Kathryn and Tim Graves
Lynn and Austen Gray
Michelle and Harry Griffith
Lucy Griswold
Brigitta and Thomas Grohmann
Stephanee Grosscup
Michelle Gruening
Mary and Kent Gustafson
Connie Hagestad
Jenna Hall
Mary and Mat Hall
Courtney Hamilton
Kathy Hansen
Scott Hanson
Erin and Todd Harmon
Julie Harris
Kimberley Harris
Margund and John Haskell
Linda and Ron Hatzenbuehler
Betsy Hauck
George Hauer
Karla Haun
Happy Hawn
Susan L. Hayes
Hope Hayward and Walter Eisank
John and Jerry Ann Heaney
Jill and Mikael Heijer
Roberta and Tom Heinrich
Jackie and David Hennessy
Leslie Henning and Glenn Lindsley
Lacie Hernandez
Arianne Heyser
Alison Higdon and Peter Boice
Pat and Alex Higgins
Michael Higgins
Donna Higueras
Aaron Hill
Margie and Jim Hill
Sandra Hill
Marcia and Ken Hills
Marcia Hines
Denise and Bill Hodges
Jennifer Hoey
Emily Hoffman
Mary Ann Hogan
Stuart Holden
Lisa Holley
Marianna Holman
Elizabeth Holt
Penelope and James Hopkins
Karl Hostetler
Susie and Jim Howard
Carol and Bert Hughes
Bobbi R. Hunt
Lisa Hupp and Family
Christine and Philip Huss
Bonnie Hutchinson
Melanie and Keith Hutchinson
Shelley and Karl Hutter
Libby and James Huyck
Leslie Mitchell and Rob Insinger
Betty and Mark Irvine
Susan and Peter Jackson
Jonathan Jaffe
Martha and Ross Jennings
Eleanor Jewett and Eric Rogers
Sheri Johnnie
Jen Smith and Heather Johns
Debbie and Jerry Johnson
Kimberlee Johnson
Judith Kindler and Kyle Johnson
Lia Johnson
Libby Johnson
Tim Johnson
Sue and Mike Johnston
Kim and Jeff Jones
Harriet and Stan Joseph
Kimberly Joslin
Betty and Loren Kahle
Bridget Kapala
Lynn and Bruce Kaplan
David Karlsen
Karine and Dave Kashen
Mariah Kashino
Camille and Edward Kassatly
Colleen and David Kassner
Jeffrey Katz
Bruce M. Kaufman
Cynthia and Steve Kearns
Kaye and Gerry Kearns
Carleton Keck
Liz Keegan and Gina Luke
Laury and Tom Keenan
Kelly and Mark Kelly
Emily and Michael Kelly
Lora Kennedy
Cherie and Richard Kessler
Gurumukh Khalsa
Linda Kiel
Patricia Kilmartin and Steve Schmidt
Polly and Don King
Christine Kirby
Sue and Bill Kirby
Linda Kish
Donna and Ron Kleist
Elissa Kline
Claudia Klokke
Lynn, Coco and Thomas Knudson
Johannes Koch
Kristie T. Kohl
Kirsten Kolkmann
Daphne Koonce
Kirstin Kozlowski and Jefrie Brown
Christine Kraatz
Laura Kramer and Christopher Coggeshall
Madi Kraus
Michelle and Mark Krogh
Lynn and Bill Kronberger
Brandon Kuvara
Deborah and John Kwan
Julie and Peter LaFleur
Avalon Lance
Amy and Robert Landis
Madalyn Lange
Cynthia Langlois
Claudia Larkin
Susan Larson and Gary Kuchcinski
Jean and Nicholas Latham
Lisa and Michael Leach
Lee Pesky Learning Center
Terri and Richard LeFaivre
Ann Leonardo
Marie Lerch
Linda and Anson Levine
Elizabeth and John Lewis
Kathy and Wally Limburg
Nicole Lisk
Jeanne Liston
Karen Little
Kevin Livingston
Kathryn Logan
Patti Lousen and Tom Bowman
Susan Lovett and Eugene D. Atkinson
Abigail Lufkin
Elise Lufkin and Amos Galpin
Lisa Lundquist
Gina and Alexander
Larry Mace
Nancy Mackinnon and David Perkins
Dave Madden
Linda Madsen
Kathy and Jim Magee
Caren Frankel and Jory Magidson
Kimberly Baltzell and John Maine
Carol and Joe Marini
Kelly and Bruce Martin
Debra Martin
Morgan and Ken Martin
Laurie Martin
Stefanie and Jonathan H. Marvel
Susanne Marx
Cindy and Tim Mascheroni
Martin J. Matthews
Kara and Craig Maxwell
Lisa Mayer
Penny Mazzola
Pioneer Title Company
Mary Sue and Murray McClain
Mary Kay and Lee McCollum
Cindy and Brian McCoy
Jane McDermott
Molly McGary
Jill and Bruce McLean
Scott McLean, Jr. MD
Wesley McMahon
Nancy McMath
Davida Dillingham and Peter McRae
Sheila and Gerald Mells
Nancy Mendelsohn
Jonna Mendes and Will O’Toole
Stephanie Mennen
Andi and Mike Meucci
Julie and Jon Meyer
Robert Meyers
Fran Michael
Tom Michael
Nancy and Jeff Mihalic
J.C. Mikula
Mary Miller
Rachel F. Miller
Patricia Millington
Leslie Minks
Amy Mistick
Diane and Pete Mohn
Dana and Danny Moloney
Toni Monger Himmelman
Lauren Moore
Marilyn and John Moran
Donna and Bruce Morse
Jody Moss
Jeffrey Murdock
Deborah Murphy
Cynthia and Kingsley Murphy
Holly Myers and Kirk Neely
Carrie Nemec
Mary Newton
Kathleen Nichols
Jon Paris Nicholson
Susan Nieves
Diane Nini
Jennifer Noland
Theresa and Christopher Northcutt
Carmen and Ed Northen
Suzanne Nosworthy
Gay Odmark
Vickie Ogara
Olawale Olaniyi
Matt Olson
The Open Room
Lindsay and David Ormsby
Colleen and Jon Pace
Terry Palmer
Priscilla Panzer
Anna and Robert Parker
Kirsten Paterson
Vicki Patman
Nancy Patterson
Linda Sawyer-Pearmine and Larry Pearmine
Marcelle and Ridley Pearson
Fran Pergola
Fritz Peters
Janet and Peter Petersen
Sue Petersen
Maura and Greg Pfeiffer
Evelyn and James Phillips
Phoebe Pilaro and Justin Williams
Julia Pinney
Ginger and Karl Piotter
Gina and Robert Poole
Amanda and Steve Porino
Amy Powless
Gina and Chuck Pratt
Shannon and David Presson
Brooks Preston
Connie and Tony Price
George Puentes
Sharon and Tom Pyle
Susie and Troy Quesnel
Nancy and Scott Raeber
Gabrielle and Kyle Rafford
Catherine Ramsay MD and Sheldon Ramsay
Margot and Carter Ramsay
Jason Rand
Roger J. Raymond
Wendy Reilly
Chris and Marc Reinemann
Rebecca and Mark Reitinger
Joy and Ken Rempe
Susu Ribaudo
Nancy and Paul Richards
Marina and Ralph Riedel
Linda and Paul Ries
Lisa Riley
Karla and Alain Rinckwald
Amy Plato Roberts
Clair and Chris Robinson
Lynn Robinson
Julianne and Michael Roos
Nicole Roos
Kate Rosekrans
Nanci and John Rosenfeld
Lisa and Harry Rosenthal
Janet Ross-Heiner
Karen Rossi
Kate and Bob Rosso
Jason Roth—F3 Properties
Lorraine and David Rowand
Deborah and Randy Ruckle
Andrea and Thomas Rule
Stacey and Jack Rutherford
William Rutherford
Maureen Ryan
Ann and Michael Sadler
Nini and Jeff Sakaguchi
Jacque Salisbury
Fernanda and Donald Sammis
Dianne and Calame Sammons
Carol and Mike Sampson
Deb and Rob Santa
Barbara Sargent
Savage Family
Jacquelyn and David Schack
Lynn Schaefer
Corry Schafer
Steven Schafer
Rhonda and Howard Schaff
Karin Schocks
Rebecca and Lawrence Schoen
Geoffrey Schroeder
Heidi Schulman and Mickey Kantor
The Schwartz Family
Maureen and Paul Schwendener
Susan and Stephen Schwerdfeger
Martha and Ted Schwerdtle
Karen Scott
Linda Segre
Caroline and David Selman
Carol and Leslie Shanahan
Ray Ann Kremer and George H. Shapiro
Sandy Shaw
Stacy Shearer
Andy Sheehan
Tessa Sheehan
Mardi Shepard
Nancy and John Shepherd
Elizabeth Lili Simpson and Edward Wheeler
Amy and Scott Sinclair
Hilary Sinnamon
Ivy Slike
Lynda Sloan
Pauliina Slosson
Donald Smith
Gregory Smith
Sarah Tresfort and John Smith
Pamela Smith
Holly Rodes Smithey and Rand Scot Smithey
Tiffany Snowden
Francesca and Stanley Solomon
Suzanne Sommer
Elayne Spevack
Debra Spitzer
Becca and Jeremiah Splaine
Melinda and Richard Springs
Geof Stanley and Tom Simpson
Judith and Erich Steinbock
Sharon and Gene Steiner
Manon and Aubrey Stephens
Gayle and Alan Stevenson
Gail and Lon Stickney
Kris Stoffer
Steven Stokdyk
Connie Story
Jessica Streib
Mimi and Charles Stuart
Susie Stuhr
Marney Sullivan
Grant Swindells
Regina Swindle
Aly Swindley
Spooky and James Taft
Robert Tanner
Laura Targett
Susan and Joseph Tavarez
Aleta Taylor
Jennifer Taylor
Karen Taylor
Steve Thies
Dana Thomas
Penny and Edward Thomas
Nancy and Peter Thomas
Tim Thomas
Dennis Thompson
Erica and Eric Thorson
R. Carey and Anna Thrashe
Crystal Thurston and Ted Dale
Jennifer and Dan Tillis
Jane Tillotson
Patsy and John Todd
Linda Toth
Christine and Lewis Tripp
Wendy Trunick Minervini
Susan Tryon
Susan Tucker and Steve Myers
Abby Turk
Lauren Turner
Sally and Roger Turner
Jan and Michael Turzian
Mary Tyson
Karl Johan Uri
Debra Van Engelen
Mary Van Fossan
Alison Forbes Van Hook and Andrew Van Hook
Annie and Victor Vandenberg
Sandi Viau
Paula and Ed Viesturs
Linda and Gary Vinagre
Kari and Robert Vincent
David Voss
Elizabeth Wallace
Ellen and John Wallace
Cara Walther
Annelies Ware
Nanci Warren
Leah Warshawski and Todd Soliday
Lynnette Watkins
Thomas J. Watson
Georganna and Eric
Dawn and Brian Webber
Gabriela Wehner
Julie Weil
Doris Weiler and
Christel Nicholson
Coraline and Michael Weinman
Dale Weiss
Stephanie and Josh Wells
Judy Wells
Aly Wepplo and David Janeski
Bethann and Dennis Wheeler
Todd Whelpley
Diana Whiting and
Doug Walton
Carolyn Wicklund
Melanie Willey
Holland Williams
Jill and Jason Williams
Risa Williams
Sandra and Paul Willingham
Beth and Paul Willis
Ham Wilson
Susan Winget
Linda Winnovich
Anne Winton and John Marsh
Wohlwend Family
Brooke and Joseph Wojcik
Rachel Wolfe and David Lloyd
Roland Wolfram
The Wolstencroft Family
Etta Wood
Julie and Shawn Wood
Linda Woodcock
Dave Wooding
Kathy Woods and Rich Paris
Heidi Woog and Tom Archie
Caleb Wright
Jeanne and William Wright
Janet Wygle and
Barry Luboviski
Kevyn Wynn
Don Yeager
Karen and Jim Young
Kari Young
Timothy Young
Christi Zommers
$1 – $99
Betsey Aalfs
Lisa and Steve Adam
Jami L. Adrian
Anne Aganon
Marc Andersen
Diane Anderson
Anonymous (46)
Michele Armstrong
Martha Arvey
The Atkinson Family—Atkinsons’ Market
Claudia Aulum
Shannon Avery
Gail Baccheschi
Sara Baldwin
Mary Barron
Harriet Parker-Bass and Richard Bass
Frank Batcha
Annie and Andrew Bateman
Peggy and Dale Bates
Natasha Baumann
Pamela Baumgardt
Kelly Beach
William Beam
Carolyn and Doug Behse
Dave Bell
Karen Bell
Terrie Bellis
Gina Bennett
Tony Benson
Kim and Judy Berg
Andy Berman
Gloria Bianchi
Miri Black
Brenda Blackwell
Karen Boccabella
Susan Tabor-Boesch and Rudy Boesch
Holly Bornemeier
James and Lucy Bourret
Kris Bowman
Barbara Boyer
Lisa and Perry Boyle
Joanne and Bob Brand—The Third Floor Salon
Amanda Breen
Leo M. Brieske
Kerry Brokaw
Austin Brooks
Minette and John Broschofsky
Becky Brown
Steve and Molly Brown
Robert Buersmeyer
Twyla Bulcher
Alison Burpee
Makenzie Callaghan
Alex Cameron
Stuart Campbell
Roma Cano
Ward Carey
Susan and Duane Carlson
Edie Cary
Claire Casey
Kristin Cassalia
Lynn Chaldu
Meg Chambers
Jamie Champion
Asa Chandler
Susan Chizum
Aimee Christensen
Ann Christensen
Lee Chubb
Dave Clark
Erin and Neil Clark
Susan Coburn
Carol Cole and Jim Rineholt
Katrina Collins
John Congleton
Elizabeth Conrod
Elizabeth and Richard Conway
Wendy Conway
Rachel and Jeffrey Cooper
Glenda Cox
Thomas F. Crais
Rebecca Crenshaw
Mimi Crocker
Michele and Michael Cronin
James J. Cruzen
Tamara Culp
Jeff Currie
Joan and Scott Curtis
Vickrie Cutler
Kate Daly
Ken Dara
Hilary Davis
Heather Dawnstar-Guess
Amanda Deaver
Megan Deboi
Melanie Dembergh
Sara Demoe
Lucie DiMaggio
Donna Doan
Rebecca Dodge
Deidre Dolce
Jordyn Dooley
Diane Dorman
Patti and Jay Dorr
Anne Douglas
Emily Downing
Laura Musbach Drake
Julie Driver
Shannon Duffy
Julie Duggan
Ryan Dunlap
Sam Dunlap
Linda Dupar
Alan Dupuis
Robin and Sam East
Jayne and Robert Elgee
Kimberly Ellwanger
Kathryn Elzinga
Steven Emery
Pamela Ephgrave
Carol Everett
Kerri Everett
Nancy Farrelly
Ron Fields
Jerry Flandro
Patricia Florescu
Jeanne P. Flowers
Joyce Fogg
Nanette and Frazer Ford
Sharon Forster
Karyn Forsyth
Diana Frazier
Carole Freund
Patricia Frye
Ann Fuller
Carolynn Fuller
Anne-Marie and Chris Gardner
Bonnie and Steve Garman
Krista Gehrke
Jandina Gelormino
Stacy Gilden
Christy and Eric Giles
Donna Gilmour
Lauren Gilmour
Mimi Girard
Deanna Glad
Marit Glenne
Molly Goodyear
Laura Gordon
Donna Gould
J.B. Gould
Reini Green
Z. Wayne Griffin
Kathy Grotto
Daniel Gualtieri
Kim and John Hagenbuch
Julie and Adam Hairston
Brent Hale
Gayle and Bob Hall
Diane Hall
Susan Hall
Sarah Halvorson
Angela Hansen
Julia Harakay
Shari Hardy
Deanna and Tom Harned
Debra Hastings and
Peter Hastings II
Fernanda Hausske
Jarett Hausske
Kimberly Havens
Michael Hawkey
Patricia Healey
Mark Heilman
Anne Heiselmann
Brian Hilverda
Peter Himes
Peggy Hoekstra-Erikson
Heidi Hogan
Susan Holley
Peggy M. Hollitz
The Honan Family
Kathleen Hughes
Nancy and Joseph Humphrey
Lynne Humphries
Christina Huus
Edith Iler-Wiedemann and Jano Wiedemann
Codrin Iorga—Ketchum Window Cleaning
Denise Jackson Ford and Jeff Ford
Edward Janeski
Katrina Jankowski and Derek Dean
Linda and Carl Jensen
Tish and Tom Jochums
Katherine Johansen Taber
Chris Johnson
Christina Johnson
Christine Johnson
Fran Johnson
G. Johnson
Katherine and McKay Johnson
Anne Kalik
John Kearney
Liz and Steve Keating
Christine Keenan
Kristin Kefer
Paul Kenny
Kristen and Tyler Kent
Lauren Keppler
April Kieburtz
Jeannie Kiel
Christina Kielich
Robert King
Sandy Kling
Warren and Carolyn Knight
Richard Knoebel
Sandra Koenig
Shannon Koeplin
Brian Kotara
Rae Kozlowski
Nancy Krivick
Toby Lambert
Yvonne Lamey
Molly and Kurt Lansing
Kim Laragan-Uranga
Annalyn Lavey
Leana Leach
Laurie Lee
Dora and Mark Levin
Bill Leyrer
Marge Lilley
Bob and Patti Lindberg
Steven Linden
Pat Lockhart
Valerie Logsdon
Jeff London
William T. Long III
Lisa Loudermilk
Peggy Nuetzel and Howard Lovering
Jim and Jamie Loyd
Angela Luck
Meghan Luck
Kelly Lukins and
Kenneth Propp
Lori and Andrew Lyle
Linda M. Lynch
Margaret Macdonald Stewart
and Mark Stewart
Kim MacPherson
Mary Madden
Charlene Malone
Ellen Mandeville
Luanne Mandeville
Sarah Mars
Deborra Marshall Bohrer and William C. Bohrer
Thatcher Marsted
Sandra Martin Acker
Scott Martin
Tara G. Martin
Devra Mary
Brad Mathews
Melissa Mathews
Carol and John Matkins
Jack Matthews
Amy and Chris Mattias
Kerrin McCall
Constance McCamant
Janet McCann
Linda McClatchy
Suzanne McCollum
Rainy and David McDonald
Constance McGowan
Suzanne McKinney
Pam McKnight
Bill McLaughlin
Anne and Lanny McLean
Lori McNee
Christy A. McPherson
Judith McQueen
Callan Miranda and Connor Wade
Louisa Moats and
Steve Mitchell
Jo Moncrieff
Cori Mooney
Roberta Morcone
Martha Morgenthau and Matthew Mead
Jill Morse
Tracy and Mark Mueller
Wendy Muir
Suzanne and James Mulenos
Andrew Murphy
Sarah Murphy
Mary Jo Musselman
Lori Nakaoka
Katherine M. Nalen
Hilarie Neely Job—Footlight Dance Centre
Christine and Stuart Nibley
RJ Nikula
Anita Northwood
Kathleen O’Brien
Bill O’Brien
Carol O’Loughlin
Kelly O’Neill
Jennifer Olbum
Martha Olson
Kate and Andy Parnes
Ann Parry
Linda and Ron Parsons
Patrick Partridge
Robin Paschall
Taylor Paslay
Joyce Patricelli
Shannon Payne
Kyle Peppo
James W. Perkins
Lynn Peters
Renee Peters
Christine Peterson
Linda and Roger Peterson
Susan Phillips
Rick Pinnell
Jeremy Piteo
Heather Pollak
Jessica Pollock
Tom Pomeroy
Jana Posalski Firtel
Becky and Don Potts
Robin Potts
Alison and Craig Poulsen
Melissa Powers
Agung Prabowo
Josh Preece
Travis Presnell
Collett Pruitt
Maureen Puddicombe
Pat Rainey
Marcia Rankin
Amy Rappa
Marlo Rathfon
Enid Rawlings
Sally Read
Barbi Reed
Ellen Reese
Kathryn Reynolds
Amanda and Roger Riccardi
Dee Rickling
Pamela Ridgway and Rob Foulkes
Kate Riley
Fran Ripsom
Christie and John Roberts
Katie Robins
Kathy and Rick Robinson
Sally Robinson
Andrea Roche
Sarah Rogers
Justin Ross
Susan Ross
Linda Roth
Wally Rothgeb
Collette and Rick Roudabush
Cathie Royston
Rose Rumball-Petre and Ted Stout
Austris Rungis
Erik Ryan
Dawn Sabo
Pia Saengswang Moffatt
and Gerry Moffatt
Steph and Clay Sammis
Chris Satovick
Sophie Sawyers
Melissa and Josh Scala
Ann Scales
Mary L. Schneider
Miriam Schneider
Kelsey Schreck
Richard Schupack
Irv Scott
Junior Sealy
Hayden Seder
Carrie Seitz
Edward Sellers
Bets and Dave Service
Diane Scurlock and Kerry Sharp
Robinson Shaw
Cynthia Shearstone
Kathleen Sheehan
Deborah Sievers
Sam Silverman
Ruth Simerly
Christopher Simms
Linda Sisson
Bea Sloan
Donald Smiegiel
Allan Smith
Connie Smith
Eileen Smith
Tracie Smith
Dorothy A. Snowball
Gayle and Jerry Soderberg
William Solie
Kristen Spachman
Robert Stadshaug
Lindy E. Stark
Hannah Stauts
Josette Stellers
Carol Stephens
Gail Stern
Allyn Stewart
Tiffany Stiller
Katherine Stoecklein
Amy Strachan
Tizz Strachan
Laurie Strand
Dana Stubner
Jacqueline and Michael Swan
George Tellam
Carol Tessier
Stephen D. Thompson
Melissa Tindall
Mary and Paul Kaiser
Charlotte Tracy
Cris Traxler
Cathy and Marv Turbow
Kristi and Steven Turner
Nan and Peter Tynberg
Jennifer Tyrer
Deborah and Tucker Van Law
Anthony Velo
Jodie Vering
Jennifer and Edwin Vining
Peeranut Visetsuth
Carol and Mike Wade
Stephanie Wallace
Emily Walters
Beth Ward
Paula and John Warren
Sharon L. Wellsandt
Katherine Wessel
Teresa Westfall
Robert Weston
Anita Whelan
Doug Whitman
Nancy Whiton
Jacqueline Wieman
Emma Wilander
Lisa Wild
Kimberly Williams
Laurie J. Williams
Sarah Williams
Pamela Wilson
Candace and Ted Witt
Kevin Wittman
Kristine Wolcott
Susan Woodruff
Sue Woodyard
Rebecca and Richard Worst
Gail Wray
Patricia Wygle
Leslie Wyss
Sam Young
Jinglan Yu
Mary Zimmer and Dabney Hollis
* deceased
We strive to be accurate with our lists. Please notify us of any errors or omissions by contacting Development Coordinator, Conor Boyle at [email protected].