Teen Nights at the Sun Valley Museum of Art

TEEN NIGHT: Sightings

Viernes, Octubre 27, 2023 - 5:30 PM

Join SVMoA for an evening of artmaking inspired by the Museum’s current exhibition, Sightings. Consider the human relationship with the night sky, UFOs and the extraterrestrial, and create otherworldly art using a variety of materials.

No experience necessary. Snacks and all materials will be provided. Open to all teenagers.

Teen Night takes place from 5:30–7pm.

About Teen Nights

Teens are invited to Teen Night, a free art-making program on select Fridays by and for teens. Work with SVMoA Team to create and learn new techniques with art projects inspired by SVMoA’s past and present exhibitions. All free and geared toward young people ages 14-20.

Are you an artist, musician, poet, dancer? We’re always looking for talented young people interested in sharing their talents at Teen Nights. Interested? Email [email protected].

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    Ticket Prices

    FREE! Pre-registration encouraged. Drop-ins welcomed.