Student Tour

Educator Evening: Artful Practices for Well-Being

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 5:00 PM

Engaging with art can support well-being by helping us build skills that have value in our daily lives, such as deepening awareness, considering new perspectives, and sparking inspiration. Art offers us one approach to the difficulty of slowing down, noticing what’s happening inside ourselves, and feeling present as we move through the world. At this Educator Evening, we’ll practice mindfulness and consider how these exercises can be incorporated into the classroom.

This event begins at 5pm at the Museum in Ketchum.

About SVMoA Educator Evenings

Open to educators of all subject areas, Educator Evening is a FREE professional development series occurring monthly. Blaine County educators may receive in-service (continuing education) hours for their participation. SVMoA shares the names of those BCSD educators who participate with the school district office for in-service district hours. Join educators, visiting artists, and Museum staff for in-person presentations, discussion, and activity based on current exhibitions at SVMoA and connections to the National Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content Standards. Develop curricular connections and gain tools, strategies, and thinking routines for integrating art and objects into everyday classroom learning. Participate in a professional learning community of supportive and reflective educational practitioners, and have some fun!

Topics include:
  • Art integration vs. Art enhancement
  • Art and Curriculum Connections
  • Strategies for engaging students in dialogue around artwork and objects
  • Resources to develop knowledge of and expanded perspectives about contemporary art, artists, themes


Ticket Prices

FREE! Pre-registration recommended.