SVMoA Blog

A 21-st Century Museum Is...A Foundation for Success

Febrero 7, 2022
What Is a 21st-Century Museum

Glenn Janss

"At the basis of my work throughout my life has been the belief that an art education is of essential importance to the betterment of humanity. This sounds like a grandiose predication, but it is simple in its rationale. An art education and its creative teachings result in a more self-actualizing and more fully human person. The arts can be seen as the soul of a community and even the humblest of creative endeavors can yield unimagined success."

—SVCA founder Glenn Janss

What does success mean to you?

A stronger community? High SAT scores? More engaged students? Empathetic and involved leaders? The arts deliver multifaceted and dynamic success globally and here in the Wood River Valley.

Americans for the Arts found that on a national level, arts programs result in:
  • 4 OUT OF 5 MORE LIKELY TO VOTE: The arts make young adults more civically engaged. Seventy-eight percent of young adults who had arts-rich experiences were more likely to vote or participate in a political campaign.
  • 100 POINTS HIGHER ON THEIR SAT: Students who take four years of arts and music classes average almost 100 points better on their SAT scores than students with only a half-year or less.
  • 5–10% INCREASES WITH ARTS ACTIVITIES: Neighborhoods with more arts activities see increases in housing, population, and school test scores along with a decrease in crime.

"If it hadn’t been for my scholarship from Sun Valley Museum of Art, I would never have attended the summer program Artsbridge the summer after my junior year of high school. I would never have met Kevin Kittle, my ultimate teacher, director, and mentor. I wouldn’t have gone to Rutgers and studied the Meisner technique, and I would never have performed Twelfth Night on the Globe Stage. I am now in my last year of drama school, and I can confidently say that this scholarship profoundly altered the course of my career and my life as an artist. I could not be more grateful to SVMoA for giving me access to these incredible opportunities, and for encouraging and supporting the youth of the valley in their quests to achieve their dreams."

—Anik Zarkos, SVMoA Scholarship Recipient

The SVMoA 2022 Scholarship Application Deadline is Feb. 23.

A 21st-Century Museum Is A Foundation for Success