
Enjoy a preview\na nd tour of the exhibition with the Museum’s curator.

Bodies\n of Work features artwork by contemporary artists who have used their\ npractices as ways of navigating and processing their personal experience of\nmedical illness as well as the experiences of others. Working in a ran ge of\nmedia and from widely varying points of view\, participating artist s include\nDylan Mortimer\, Estelle L. Roberge\, Katherine Sherwood\, and Renee Stout\nwith new work by Katherine Shaughnessy and Heather Watkins.


Refreshments will be served in the Museum classroom pri or to\nthe start of the tour.

Part of SVMoA ’s\nexhibition Bodies of Work: Art &amp\; Healing.

\ n


SO LD OUT—Place your name on a waitlist



E njoy a preview\nand tour of the exhibition with the Museum’s curator.

Bodies\nof Work features artwork by contemporary artists who have used their\npractices as ways of navigating and processing their per sonal experience of\nmedical illness as well as the experiences of others. Working in a range of\nmedia and from widely varying points of view\, par ticipating artists include\nDylan Mortimer\, Estelle L. Roberge\, Katherin e Sherwood\, and Renee Stout\nwith new work by Katherine Shaughnessy and H eather Watkins.


Refreshments will be served in the Mus eum classroom prior to\nthe start of the tour.

< h5>Part of SVMoA’s\nexhibition Bodies of Work: Art &amp\; Healing.


SOLD OUT—Place your name on a waitlist



Enjoy a preview\na nd tour of the exhibition with the Museum’s curator.

Bodies\n of Work features artwork by contemporary artists who have used their\ npractices as ways of navigating and processing their personal experience of\nmedical illness as well as the experiences of others. Working in a ran ge of\nmedia and from widely varying points of view\, participating artist s include\nDylan Mortimer\, Estelle L. Roberge\, Katherine Sherwood\, and Renee Stout\nwith new work by Katherine Shaughnessy and Heather Watkins.


Refreshments will be served in the Museum classroom pri or to\nthe start of the tour.

Part of SVMoA ’s\nexhibition Bodies of Work: Art &amp\; Healing.

\ n


SO LD OUT—Place your name on a waitlist



E njoy a preview\nand tour of the exhibition with the Museum’s curator.

Bodies\nof Work features artwork by contemporary artists who have used their\npractices as ways of navigating and processing their per sonal experience of\nmedical illness as well as the experiences of others. Working in a range of\nmedia and from widely varying points of view\, par ticipating artists include\nDylan Mortimer\, Estelle L. Roberge\, Katherin e Sherwood\, and Renee Stout\nwith new work by Katherine Shaughnessy and H eather Watkins.


Refreshments will be served in the Mus eum classroom prior to\nthe start of the tour.

< h5>Part of SVMoA’s\nexhibition Bodies of Work: Art &amp\; Healing.




CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events,Lectures & Talks DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4d994 DTSTART:20240113T033000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Hailey Classroom< /a> SUMMARY:COMMUNITY PROGRAM: Afternoon Art—Hailey CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is offered in BOTH\nKe tchum and Hailey locations!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\n opportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the \nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friend s\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists togeth er.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirati on.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fam ilies\nencouraged to attend together

Hailey Aftern oon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afte rnoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for fami lies with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and locatio n.

Hailey Afternoon Art 2024 Winter-Spring Session Dates ( second Friday\nof the month):
  • Fri\, Jan 12
  • Fri\, Fe b 9
  • Fri\,\nMar 8
  • Fri\, Apr 12



P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is of fered in BOTH\nKetchum and Hailey locations!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Fa milies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abilit y: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Hailey Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classr oom.

Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of e ach month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are rec ommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

Hailey Afternoon Art 2024 Winter-Sprin g Session Dates (second Friday\nof the month):
  • Fri\, Jan 12< /li>
  • Fri\, Feb 9
  • Fri\,\nMar 8
  • Fri\, Apr 12


CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4da4b DTSTART:20240113T033000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:

Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is offered in BOTH\nKe tchum and Hailey locations!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\n opportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the \nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friend s\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists togeth er.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirati on.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fam ilies\nencouraged to attend together

Hailey Aftern oon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afte rnoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for fami lies with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and locatio n.

Hailey Afternoon Art 2024 Winter-Spring Session Dates ( second Friday\nof the month):
  • Fri\, Jan 12
  • Fri\, Fe b 9
  • Fri\,\nMar 8
  • Fri\, Apr 12



P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is of fered in BOTH\nKetchum and Hailey locations!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Fa milies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abilit y: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Hailey Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classr oom.

Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of e ach month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are rec ommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

Hailey Afternoon Art 2024 Winter-Sprin g Session Dates (second Friday\nof the month):
  • Fri\, Jan 12< /li>
  • Fri\, Feb 9
  • Fri\,\nMar 8
  • Fri\, Apr 12


CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4dae8 DTSTART:20240113T073000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:

This event\nhas been canceled due to snow. We apologize for any inconv enience!\n

Come over to SVMoA’s Hailey Classroom for Teen\nNight—the place to be creative\, have snacks\, and meet other tee ns with\nsimilar and different interests. Featuring new\, fun projects eac h time!\nRegister in advance or drop in to explore ideas and new activitie s\,\nincluding:

  • Join in teen-centered activities planned by\n teens
  • Hang out and listen to music in a stress-free\nenvironment< /li>
  • Meet and collaborate with teens and creative\nprofessionals
  • Get creative in an open studio: hone your skills and\nexperiment with art and design

No experience necessary.\nOpen to all tee nagers of any experience and interest levels\, ages\n13-18.

T een Night takes place from 5:30–7pm.

About Teen Nights< /h5>

Teens are invited to Teen Night\, a free\nart-making program on se lect Fridays by and for teens. Work with SVMoA Team\nto create and learn n ew techniques with art projects inspired by SVMoA’s\npast and present ex hibitions. All free and geared toward young people ages\n13–18.

A re you an artist\, musician\, poet\, or dancer? We’re\nalways looking fo r talented young people interested in sharing their\ntalents at Teen Night s. Interested? Email information


    Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.

    Age &amp\; ability: 10– 16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.

    This workshop takes\nplace Thursdays\, Jan 18\, 25\, Feb 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29\,\nMar 7 from 5–6: 30pm.

    About the Instructor

    D irce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was p art of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of dance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.

    Danza Folklórica Mexicana para Jóvenes con Di rce\nFlores
    (Para edades de 10–16 años)

    Jueves\, 18\, 25 de\nenero\, 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29 de febrero\, 7 de marzo\, 5–6:30pm

    BCRD\,\nYoga Studio\, 1050 Fox Acres Rd.\,\nHailey
    Costo: $20 (incluye 8 sesiones)\, se\nrequiere inscripción previa



    Ven y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmient ras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nM éxico. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las clases en español \ne inglés.

    Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudia ntes\nde todos niveles son bienvenidos!

    Sobre el\n instructor

    Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. \nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escu ela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejo res\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nco nocimiento de la danza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWo od River.


    \, \,



    C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.

    Age &amp \; ability: 10–16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n

    This workshop takes\nplace Thursdays\, Jan 18\, 25\, Feb 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29\,\nMar 7 from 5–6:30pm.

    About the Ins tructor

    Dirce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 199 5\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at a ge 17\, and was part of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sha ring her love of dance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived s ince 2008.


    Danza Folklórica Mexicana par a Jóvenes con Dirce\nFlores
    (Para edades de 10–16 años)

    Jueves\, 18\, 25 de\nenero\, 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29 de febrero\, 7 de marzo \, 5–6:30pm

    BCRD\,\nYoga Studio\, 1050 Fox Ac res Rd.\,\nHailey
    Costo: $20 (incluye 8 sesione s)\, se\nrequiere inscripción previa



    Ven y aprende danza folklóric a mexicana\nmientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las c lases en español\ne inglés.

    Edad y habilidad: 10-1 6 años\; estudiantes\nde todos niveles son bienvenidos!

    Sobre el\ninstructor

    Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un pape l en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y a ctuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento de la danza folklórica mexicana con la comuni dad del Valle\nWood River.


    \, \,



    Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.

    Age &amp\; ability: 10– 16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.

    This workshop takes\nplace Thursdays\, Jan 18\, 25\, Feb 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29\,\nMar 7 from 5–6: 30pm.

    About the Instructor

    D irce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was p art of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of dance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.

    Danza Folklórica Mexicana para Jóvenes con Di rce\nFlores
    (Para edades de 10–16 años)

    Jueves\, 18\, 25 de\nenero\, 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29 de febrero\, 7 de marzo\, 5–6:30pm

    BCRD\,\nYoga Studio\, 1050 Fox Acres Rd.\,\nHailey
    Costo: $20 (incluye 8 sesiones)\, se\nrequiere inscripción previa



    Ven y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmient ras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nM éxico. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las clases en español \ne inglés.

    Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudia ntes\nde todos niveles son bienvenidos!

    Sobre el\n instructor

    Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. \nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escu ela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejo res\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nco nocimiento de la danza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWo od River.


    \, \,



    C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.

    Age &amp \; ability: 10–16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n

    This workshop takes\nplace Thursdays\, Jan 18\, 25\, Feb 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29\,\nMar 7 from 5–6:30pm.

    About the Ins tructor

    Dirce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 199 5\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at a ge 17\, and was part of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sha ring her love of dance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived s ince 2008.


    Danza Folklórica Mexicana par a Jóvenes con Dirce\nFlores
    (Para edades de 10–16 años)

    Jueves\, 18\, 25 de\nenero\, 1\, 8\, 15\, 22\, 29 de febrero\, 7 de marzo \, 5–6:30pm

    BCRD\,\nYoga Studio\, 1050 Fox Ac res Rd.\,\nHailey
    Costo: $20 (incluye 8 sesione s)\, se\nrequiere inscripción previa



    Ven y aprende danza folklóric a mexicana\nmientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las c lases en español\ne inglés.

    Edad y habilidad: 10-1 6 años\; estudiantes\nde todos niveles son bienvenidos!

    Sobre el\ninstructor

    Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un pape l en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y a ctuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento de la danza folklórica mexicana con la comuni dad del Valle\nWood River.


    \, \,


    CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Teens DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4dd9b DTSTART:20240119T093000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Argyros Performin g Arts\nCenter SUMMARY:CONCERT: Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

    Laura Cortese and\ nthe Dance Cards have a vision for their band’s sound: bold and elegant\ ,\nschooled in the lyrical rituals of folk music and backed by grooves tha t\nalternately inspire Cajun two-stepping and rock-n-roll hip swagger.\nPe rforming as a trio with Valerie Thompson on cello and Isa Burke on guitar\ nand fiddle (a frequent bandmate of Lula Wiles and Aoife O'Donovan)\, thes e\nwomen produce music as rich and intricate as any symphony\, as heartfel t and\ntrue as any country classic. Centered on the virtuosic string\ninst rumentation of its members\, Laura Cortese &amp\; the Dance Cards ties\nto gether driving rhythms\, broad creative vision\, and resonant harmonies to \ncreate music that sweeps you up in its current\, carrying you away from your\neveryday worries and into the arms of its cathartic embrace.

    SVMOA Visiting Artists

    Visiting musicians Laura Cortese & amp\;\nthe Dance Cards will perform an in-school concert at Hemingway STEA M School\nand record a Hemingway House Session as a part of SVMoA’s Visi ting\nArtists program. These opportunities are funded by local donors\, WE STAF\nTourWest grants\, and SVMoA members and donors.

    \n< /div>
    Visiting Artists\nare suppor ted\, in part\, with funds provided by the Western States Arts\nFederation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\, and the National\nEndowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from Carolyn &amp\; John\nLloyd an d Wood River Inn &amp\; Suites.

    Support the Arts in Your\nCommunity—
    Be come a Member Today!




    L aura Cortese and\nthe Dance Cards have a vision for their band’s sound: bold and elegant\,\nschooled in the lyrical rituals of folk music and back ed by grooves that\nalternately inspire Cajun two-stepping and rock-n-roll hip swagger.\nPerforming as a trio with Valerie Thompson on cello and Isa Burke on guitar\nand fiddle (a frequent bandmate of Lula Wiles and Aoife O'Donovan)\, these\nwomen produce music as rich and intricate as any symph ony\, as heartfelt and\ntrue as any country classic. Centered on the virtu osic string\ninstrumentation of its members\, Laura Cortese &amp\; the Dan ce Cards ties\ntogether driving rhythms\, broad creative vision\, and reso nant harmonies to\ncreate music that sweeps you up in its current\, carryi ng you away from your\neveryday worries and into the arms of its cathartic embrace.

    SVMOA Visiting Artists

    Visiting musician s Laura Cortese &amp\;\nthe Dance Cards will perform an in-school concert at Hemingway STEAM School\nand record a Hemingway House Session as a part of SVMoA’s Visiting\nArtists program. These opportunities are funded by local donors\, WESTAF\nTourWest grants\, and SVMoA members and donors.

    Visiting Ar tists\nare supported\, in part\, with funds provided by the Western States Arts\nFederation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\, and the Na tional\nEndowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from Carolyn &amp \; John\nLloyd and Wood River Inn &amp\; Suites.

    Support the Arts in Your\nCommunity—
    Become a Member Today!

    \, \,


    CATEGORIES:Music & Performances,Concerts DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4de9c DTSTART:20240119T093000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Argyros Performin g Arts\nCenter SUMMARY:CONCERT: Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

    Laura Cortese and\ nthe Dance Cards have a vision for their band’s sound: bold and elegant\ ,\nschooled in the lyrical rituals of folk music and backed by grooves tha t\nalternately inspire Cajun two-stepping and rock-n-roll hip swagger.\nPe rforming as a trio with Valerie Thompson on cello and Isa Burke on guitar\ nand fiddle (a frequent bandmate of Lula Wiles and Aoife O'Donovan)\, thes e\nwomen produce music as rich and intricate as any symphony\, as heartfel t and\ntrue as any country classic. Centered on the virtuosic string\ninst rumentation of its members\, Laura Cortese &amp\; the Dance Cards ties\nto gether driving rhythms\, broad creative vision\, and resonant harmonies to \ncreate music that sweeps you up in its current\, carrying you away from your\neveryday worries and into the arms of its cathartic embrace.

    SVMOA Visiting Artists

    Visiting musicians Laura Cortese & amp\;\nthe Dance Cards will perform an in-school concert at Hemingway STEA M School\nand record a Hemingway House Session as a part of SVMoA’s Visi ting\nArtists program. These opportunities are funded by local donors\, WE STAF\nTourWest grants\, and SVMoA members and donors.

    \n< /div>
    Visiting Artists\nare suppor ted\, in part\, with funds provided by the Western States Arts\nFederation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\, and the National\nEndowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from Carolyn &amp\; John\nLloyd an d Wood River Inn &amp\; Suites.

    Support the Arts in Your\nCommunity—
    Be come a Member Today!




    L aura Cortese and\nthe Dance Cards have a vision for their band’s sound: bold and elegant\,\nschooled in the lyrical rituals of folk music and back ed by grooves that\nalternately inspire Cajun two-stepping and rock-n-roll hip swagger.\nPerforming as a trio with Valerie Thompson on cello and Isa Burke on guitar\nand fiddle (a frequent bandmate of Lula Wiles and Aoife O'Donovan)\, these\nwomen produce music as rich and intricate as any symph ony\, as heartfelt and\ntrue as any country classic. Centered on the virtu osic string\ninstrumentation of its members\, Laura Cortese &amp\; the Dan ce Cards ties\ntogether driving rhythms\, broad creative vision\, and reso nant harmonies to\ncreate music that sweeps you up in its current\, carryi ng you away from your\neveryday worries and into the arms of its cathartic embrace.

    SVMOA Visiting Artists

    Visiting musician s Laura Cortese &amp\;\nthe Dance Cards will perform an in-school concert at Hemingway STEAM School\nand record a Hemingway House Session as a part of SVMoA’s Visiting\nArtists program. These opportunities are funded by local donors\, WESTAF\nTourWest grants\, and SVMoA members and donors.

    Visiting Ar tists\nare supported\, in part\, with funds provided by the Western States Arts\nFederation (WESTAF)\, the Idaho Commission on the Arts\, and the Na tional\nEndowment for the Arts. Additional support comes from Carolyn &amp \; John\nLloyd and Wood River Inn &amp\; Suites.

    Support the Arts in Your\nCommunity—
    Become a Member Today!

    \, \,



    Join educators\,\n visiting artists\, and Museum staff for in-person and virtual presentation s\,\ndiscussion\, and activity based on current exhibitions at SVMoA and\n connections to the National Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content\nStandar ds.

    Develop curricular connections and gain tools\,\nstrategies\, a nd thinking routines for integrating art and objects into\neveryday classr oom learning. Participate in a professional learning\ncommunity of support ive and reflective educational practitioners.

    This event t akes place from 4:30–6:30pm at the Museum in\nKetchum.

    A bout SVMoA Educator Evenings

    Educator\nEvening is a FREE professio nal development series occurring monthly. Blaine\nCounty educators may rec eive in-service (continuing education) hours for\ntheir participation.

    Topics include:
    • Art integration\nvs. Art enhancement
    • Art and Curriculum Connections
    • \n
    • Strategies for engaging st udents in dialogue around artwork and\nobjects
    • Resources to devel op knowledge of and expanded\nperspectives about contemporary art\, artist s\, themes




    J oin educators\,\nvisiting artists\, and Museum staff for in-person and vir tual presentations\,\ndiscussion\, and activity based on current exhibitio ns at SVMoA and\nconnections to the National Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content\nStandards.

    Develop curricular connections and gain tools\ ,\nstrategies\, and thinking routines for integrating art and objects into \neveryday classroom learning. Participate in a professional learning\ncom munity of supportive and reflective educational practitioners.

    This event takes place from 4:30–6:30pm at the Museum in\nKetchum.< /h5>
    About SVMoA Educator Evenings

    Educator\nEvening is a FREE professional development series occurring monthly. Blaine\nCounty educators may receive in-service (continuing education) hours for\ntheir p articipation.

    Topics include:
    • Art integration\nvs. A rt enhancement
    • Art and Curriculum Connections
    • \n
    • Strategie s for engaging students in dialogue around artwork and\nobjects
    • R esources to develop knowledge of and expanded\nperspectives about contempo rary art\, artists\, themes



    CATEGORIES:Community DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4e054 DTSTART:20240126T063000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Magic Lantern Cine mas SUMMARY:FILM: Angel Applicant (First Screening) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

    Paul Klee\, a\nSwi ss-German painter\, fled Germany in 1933 when he and other modern artists\ nwere vilified by the rising Nazi Party. Isolated in Switzerland\, a\nmyst erious disease began wreaking havoc on his body and profoundly changing\nh is artwork. Narrator/director\, Ken August Meyer\, explores Klee’s\nexpr essive last works after being diagnosed with the same life-threatening\ndi sease\, systemic scleroderma. Through a curation of Klee’s work\, Ken\nf inds powerful messages on coping with his own mortality. Using colorful\na nd whimsical visuals\, Angel Applicant echoes the mystique and ironic wit\ nof Klee\, demonstrating how creativity can inspire us to overcome persona l\nsuffering and make the most of life.

    This film\nsc reening takes place at the Magic Lantern Cinemas\, Ketchum at\n4:30pm.

    Part of SVMoA's exhibition Bodies of\nWork: Art &a mp\; Healing.


    P aul Klee\, a\nSwiss-German painter\, fled Germany in 1933 when he and othe r modern artists\nwere vilified by the rising Nazi Party. Isolated in Swit zerland\, a\nmysterious disease began wreaking havoc on his body and profo undly changing\nhis artwork. Narrator/director\, Ken August Meyer\, explor es Klee’s\nexpressive last works after being diagnosed with the same lif e-threatening\ndisease\, systemic scleroderma. Through a curation of Klee ’s work\, Ken\nfinds powerful messages on coping with his own mortality. Using colorful\nand whimsical visuals\, Angel Applicant echoes the mystiq ue and ironic wit\nof Klee\, demonstrating how creativity can inspire us t o overcome personal\nsuffering and make the most of life.

    < span>This film\nscreening takes place at the Magic Lantern Cinemas\, Ketch um at\n4:30pm.

    Part of SVMoA's exhibition Bodie s of\nWork: Art &amp\; Healing.


    SVMoA\nContemporar ies invite you to an evening of Art and Wellbeing: Explore\nBodies of Work\, an exhibition thoughtfully curated to demonstrate\nthe healing powers of art and join in a rejuvenating yoga session guided by\nexpert t eacher and mindful awareness instructor Sarah Brooks Matthews.

    Space is limited. Please register in advance.
    < hr />
    This event takes place from 5:30–7pm. Bring your own\nyoga ma t

    \n \,

    < p> 


    S VMoA\nContemporaries invite you to an evening of Art and Wellbeing: Explor e\nBodies of Work\, an exhibition thoughtfully curated to demonst rate\nthe healing powers of art and join in a rejuvenating yoga session gu ided by\nexpert teacher and mindful awareness instructor Sarah Brooks Matt hews.

    Space is limited. Please register in advance.

    This event takes place from 5:30–7pm. Bring your own\nyoga mat

    < div\nclass=\"buttons field field--name-field-buttons field--type-link\nfie ld--label-hidden field--items\"> SOLD OUT!\nCLICK HERE to place your name on a waitlist



    SVMoA\nContemporar ies invite you to an evening of Art and Wellbeing: Explore\nBodies of Work\, an exhibition thoughtfully curated to demonstrate\nthe healing powers of art and join in a rejuvenating yoga session guided by\nexpert t eacher and mindful awareness instructor Sarah Brooks Matthews.

    Space is limited. Please register in advance.
    < hr />
    This event takes place from 5:30–7pm. Bring your own\nyoga ma t

    \n \,

    < p> 


    S VMoA\nContemporaries invite you to an evening of Art and Wellbeing: Explor e\nBodies of Work\, an exhibition thoughtfully curated to demonst rate\nthe healing powers of art and join in a rejuvenating yoga session gu ided by\nexpert teacher and mindful awareness instructor Sarah Brooks Matt hews.

    Space is limited. Please register in advance.

    This event takes place from 5:30–7pm. Bring your own\nyoga mat

    < div\nclass=\"buttons field field--name-field-buttons field--type-link\nfie ld--label-hidden field--items\"> SOLD OUT!\nCLICK HERE to place your name on a waitlist


    CATEGORIES:SVMoA Contemporaries,Community DTSTAMP:20241125T052605Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67446cdd4e299 DTSTART:20240126T090000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Magic Lantern Cine mas SUMMARY:FILM: Angel Applicant (Second Screening) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

    Paul Klee\, a\nSwi ss-German painter\, fled Germany in 1933 when he and other modern artists\ nwere vilified by the rising Nazi Party. Isolated in Switzerland\, a\nmyst erious disease began wreaking havoc on his body and profoundly changing\nh is artwork. Narrator/director\, Ken August Meyer\, explores Klee’s\nexpr essive last works after being diagnosed with the same life-threatening\ndi sease\, systemic scleroderma. Through a curation of Klee’s work\, Ken\nf inds powerful messages on coping with his own mortality. Using colorful\na nd whimsical visuals\, Angel Applicant echoes the mystique and ironic wit\ nof Klee\, demonstrating how creativity can inspire us to overcome persona l\nsuffering and make the most of life.

    This film\nsc reening takes place at the Magic Lantern Cinemas\, Ketchum at\n7pm.

    Part of SVMoA's exhibition Bodies of Work:\nArt &amp\ ; Healing.


    P aul Klee\, a\nSwiss-German painter\, fled Germany in 1933 when he and othe r modern artists\nwere vilified by the rising Nazi Party. Isolated in Swit zerland\, a\nmysterious disease began wreaking havoc on his body and profo undly changing\nhis artwork. Narrator/director\, Ken August Meyer\, explor es Klee’s\nexpressive last works after being diagnosed with the same lif e-threatening\ndisease\, systemic scleroderma. Through a curation of Klee ’s work\, Ken\nfinds powerful messages on coping with his own mortality. Using colorful\nand whimsical visuals\, Angel Applicant echoes the mystiq ue and ironic wit\nof Klee\, demonstrating how creativity can inspire us t o overcome personal\nsuffering and make the most of life.

    < span>This film\nscreening takes place at the Magic Lantern Cinemas\, Ketch um at\n7pm.

    Part of SVMoA's exhibition Bodies o f Work:\nArt &amp\; Healing.