Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explor e a variety of art forms\, engaging students through creative\nproblem sol ving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a we ek\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportu nities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, engaging students through crea tive\nproblem solving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivi ties one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Attracted to the\n shared aesthetics of Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese ceramics\, Henry\nWhi ting has begun to fill his Wright home\, Teater’s Knoll\, with ceramics\ nby Shiro Tsujimura\, whose teabowls take inspiration from centuries-old\n Japanese traditions but reflect a decidedly contemporary approach. Whiting \nwill be in conversation with Shoko Aono\, Director of the Ippodo Gallery in\nNew York\, who represents Tsujimura and is an expert in Japanese art\ ,\nculture and ceramics.
A ttracted to the\nshared aesthetics of Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese cera mics\, Henry\nWhiting has begun to fill his Wright home\, Teater’s Knoll \, with ceramics\nby Shiro Tsujimura\, whose teabowls take inspiration fro m centuries-old\nJapanese traditions but reflect a decidedly contemporary approach. Whiting\nwill be in conversation with Shoko Aono\, Director of t he Ippodo Gallery in\nNew York\, who represents Tsujimura and is an expert in Japanese art\,\nculture and ceramics.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Steve Poltz is\nno t normal. So begins one bio\, but we can’t dispute it. Nor would he.\nHe ’s a singer-songwriter with a cult following that includes fellow\nmusic ians\, regular folks and people who stumble onto his performances at\nfest ivals and become diehard fans. The AP dubbed him \"part busker\, part\nIgg y Pop and part Robin Williams\, a freewheeling folkie with a quick wit\nan d big heart.” Born in Halifax\, Nova Scotia\, raised in San Diego\,\nSte ve’s 40 plus year touring history includes his years with his punk\nband The Rugburns to a creative partnership with Jewel\, co-writing “You\nWe re Meant For Me.” Super energetic both on-stage and off\, Steve lives\nf or performing\, makes up songs on the spot\, sings and tells stories that\ nwill having you shaking your head in disbelief. But they’re all true.\n He’s resumed his tireless touring schedule (he begged his agent to book\ nhim every day for a year\, the agent refused)\, and when he comes here\, Steve\nwill say\, as he does every night\, “This is the best show I’ve ever\nplayed.” And heck\, maybe it just will be.
All\nguests for Steve Poltz over age 5 must show proof of vaccination a gainst\nCOVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the\ nperformance for entry. SVMoA also requires all participants\, staff and\n volunteers to wear face masks at The Museum and at all indoor SVMoA events \nregardless of vaccination status.
S teve Poltz is\nnot normal. So begins one bio\, but we can’t dispute it. Nor would he.\nHe’s a singer-songwriter with a cult following that inclu des fellow\nmusicians\, regular folks and people who stumble onto his perf ormances at\nfestivals and become diehard fans. The AP dubbed him \"part b usker\, part\nIggy Pop and part Robin Williams\, a freewheeling folkie wit h a quick wit\nand big heart.” Born in Halifax\, Nova Scotia\, raised in San Diego\,\nSteve’s 40 plus year touring history includes his years wi th his punk\nband The Rugburns to a creative partnership with Jewel\, co-w riting “You\nWere Meant For Me.” Super energetic both on-stage and off \, Steve lives\nfor performing\, makes up songs on the spot\, sings and te lls stories that\nwill having you shaking your head in disbelief. But they ’re all true.\nHe’s resumed his tireless touring schedule (he begged h is agent to book\nhim every day for a year\, the agent refused)\, and when he comes here\, Steve\nwill say\, as he does every night\, “This is the best show I’ve ever\nplayed.” And heck\, maybe it just will be.
All\nguests for Steve Poltz over age 5 must show proof of vaccination against\nCOVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of the\nperformance for entry. SVMoA also requires all participa nts\, staff and\nvolunteers to wear face masks at The Museum and at all in door SVMoA events\nregardless of vaccination status.
A painting\nadvent ure for artists of all levels. Students will learn how to alter and\nhyper -colorize family photos\, converting them into frameable art on canvas.\nH ave a photo of someone special in your family\, wish it had a better\nback drop or other people weren't in it? Or love it as is\, but want to\ncreate something unique for a gift or just as a present to yourself?
\nAge &\; ability: 18 years and older\, beginners\nwelcome!
Lauren Chiara\nwas the Pre sident of the Ramona Art Guild\, Chairman of the Ramona Art and\nWine Fest ival\, and Director of the Ramona Utility Box Mural Project before\nmoving to Bellevue three years ago. Lauren enjoyed teaching many of her\ninnovat ive art classes at several local Ramona\, California\, wineries for\nover a decade. Her art includes mixed media\, watercolor\, acrylic\, oil\, and\ nbronze.
A painting\nadventure for artists of all levels. Students will learn how to alter and\nhyper-colorize family photos\, converting them into frameable art on canvas.\nHave a photo of someone special in your family\, wish it h ad a better\nbackdrop or other people weren't in it? Or love it as is\, bu t want to\ncreate something unique for a gift or just as a present to your self?
\nAge &\; ability: 18 years and older\, begin ners\nwelcome!
Lauren Ch iara\nwas the President of the Ramona Art Guild\, Chairman of the Ramona A rt and\nWine Festival\, and Director of the Ramona Utility Box Mural Proje ct before\nmoving to Bellevue three years ago. Lauren enjoyed teaching man y of her\ninnovative art classes at several local Ramona\, California\, wi neries for\nover a decade. Her art includes mixed media\, watercolor\, acr ylic\, oil\, and\nbronze.
Use a photo of a\n family member to make an original collage! Students are invited to bring a n\noriginal photo that they will photocopy for use in the collage\, along with\nother craft items\, such as buttons\, feathers\, twine\, paint and e ven coffee\,\nto reflect the personality of the subject as the artist know s them. The\ninstructor will provide examples and books to get your creati ve juices\nflowing. Students are to bring an image of a loved one (includi ng pets) to\nthe class.
This workshop takes place from 10am–12pm.
U se a photo of a\nfamily member to make an original collage! Students are i nvited to bring an\noriginal photo that they will photocopy for use in the collage\, along with\nother craft items\, such as buttons\, feathers\, tw ine\, paint and even coffee\,\nto reflect the personality of the subject a s the artist knows them. The\ninstructor will provide examples and books t o get your creative juices\nflowing. Students are to bring an image of a l oved one (including pets) to\nthe class.
This workshop takes place from 10am–12pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities an d care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities\nto explor e a variety of art forms\, engaging students through creative\nproblem sol ving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivities one day a we ek\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with art! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of\nactivities and care for students in grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportu nities\nto explore a variety of art forms\, engaging students through crea tive\nproblem solving\, self-expression and confidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care and\nactivi ties one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies movi ng\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican \nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\nwelcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\n cast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevisi on\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of\ndance. Tha t extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest the aters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 1 7\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 18\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her dance career on\npaus e when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teaching again and\nshar ing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nl ived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny eje rcitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces culturales de\nMé xico.
Edad y habilidad: d e\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para\nniñ os durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y\nhumanidad es. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de\nOaxaca. R ecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la\ndanza fo lklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies moving\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican\nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Sp anish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\n welcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\ncast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevision\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other for ms of\ndance. That extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest theaters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 17\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 1 8\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her danc e career on\npause when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teachin g again and\nsharing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny ejercitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces c ulturales de\nMéxico.
Edad y habilidad: de\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995 \, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de telev isión para\nniños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de a rtes y\nhumanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teat ros de\nOaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimient o de la\ndanza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided. 18 yrs and older\, beginners\nwel come!
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels.
< p>Bring\nyour own supplies\, drawing boards provided. 18 yrs and older \, beginners\nwelcome!For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
(Estimated Running\nTi me: 122 minutes)
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(Esti mated Running\nTime: 122 minutes)
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
Enjoy a glass of\n wine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Four\ ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\ nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence \,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi s abi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and t ime.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowl s\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history with Shiro Tsujimu ra’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloyd Wright\nresiden ce.
E njoy a glass of\nwine as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curat ors.
Four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artis ts\, explore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfecti on\, impermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed be auty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the force s of nature and time.\nHenry Whiting\, collector of contemporary Japanese teabowls\, will\nparticipate in the tour and share his history w ith Shiro Tsujimura’s\nceramics and their relationship to his Frank Lloy d Wright\nresidence.
For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
(Estimated Running\nTi me: 122 minutes)
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(Esti mated Running\nTime: 122 minutes)
Start your\nGaller y Walk at SVMoA!
Wabi Sabi features artwork by four\nconte mporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, explore the\nJapan ese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, impermanence\,\nre pair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi sabi\na esthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of nature and\ntime.< /p>
S tart your\nGallery Walk at SVMoA!
Wabi Sabi features artwo rk by four\ncontemporary artists\, two ceramists and two fiber artists\, e xplore the\nJapanese notion of wabi sabi and ideas around imperfection\, i mpermanence\,\nrepair and transformation. Often defined as flawed beauty\, the wabi sabi\naesthetic connotes asymmetry\, economy and the forces of n ature and\ntime.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies movi ng\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican \nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\nwelcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\n cast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevisi on\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of\ndance. Tha t extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest the aters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 1 7\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 18\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her dance career on\npaus e when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teaching again and\nshar ing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nl ived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny eje rcitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces culturales de\nMé xico.
Edad y habilidad: d e\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para\nniñ os durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y\nhumanidad es. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de\nOaxaca. R ecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la\ndanza fo lklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies moving\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican\nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Sp anish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\n welcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\ncast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevision\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other for ms of\ndance. That extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest theaters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 17\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 1 8\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her danc e career on\npause when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teachin g again and\nsharing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny ejercitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces c ulturales de\nMéxico.
Edad y habilidad: de\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995 \, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de telev isión para\nniños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de a rtes y\nhumanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teat ros de\nOaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimient o de la\ndanza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies movi ng\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican \nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\nwelcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\n cast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevisi on\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of\ndance. Tha t extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest the aters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 1 7\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 18\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her dance career on\npaus e when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teaching again and\nshar ing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nl ived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny eje rcitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces culturales de\nMé xico.
Edad y habilidad: d e\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para\nniñ os durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y\nhumanidad es. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de\nOaxaca. R ecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la\ndanza fo lklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies moving\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican\nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Sp anish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\n welcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\ncast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevision\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other for ms of\ndance. That extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest theaters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 17\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 1 8\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her danc e career on\npause when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teachin g again and\nsharing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny ejercitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces c ulturales de\nMéxico.
Edad y habilidad: de\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995 \, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de telev isión para\nniños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de a rtes y\nhumanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teat ros de\nOaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimient o de la\ndanza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
One of Ireland's\n best live acts\, the award-winning We Banjo 3 combines supergroup\ncredent ials with a breathtaking command of the emotive power of fiddle\,\nguitar\ , mandolin and banjo. Any single member of this group could electrify\na v enue with a solo performance\, but together with their passionate lead\nvo calist (who sounds like a young Springsteen adopted by The Chieftains)\,\n the result is truly unforgettable. These two sets of brothers write and\np erform with emotion\, incalculable brio and inventiveness\, power\, subtle ty\nand intelligence.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professional\nmusicians\ , authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to work with and\nperfo rm for local students. All of the performers in the 2021/2022\nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will be sharing their\ntalents with s tudents through our Residency Program.
CLICK\nHERE to learn more.
Events held at\nThe Argyros require proof of vaccination from al l attendees. The Argyros\nwill also accept a negative Covid test for entry .
O ne of Ireland's\nbest live acts\, the award-winning We Banjo 3 combines su pergroup\ncredentials with a breathtaking command of the emotive power of fiddle\,\nguitar\, mandolin and banjo. Any single member of this group cou ld electrify\na venue with a solo performance\, but together with their pa ssionate lead\nvocalist (who sounds like a young Springsteen adopted by Th e Chieftains)\,\nthe result is truly unforgettable. These two sets of brot hers write and\nperform with emotion\, incalculable brio and inventiveness \, power\, subtlety\nand intelligence.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing profess ional\nmusicians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to wor k with and\nperform for local students. All of the performers in the 2021/ 2022\nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will be sharing thei r\ntalents with students through our Residency Program.
CLICK\nH ERE to learn more.
Events held at\nThe Argyros require proof of va ccination from all attendees. The Argyros\nwill also accept a negative Cov id test for entry.
Come play with\nar t! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\n grades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a variety of art forms \,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression a nd\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering after-school care a nd\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesday\, from\n2:30 –5:30pm.
C ome play with\nart! Smart Art\, a weekly afternoon of activities and care for students in\ngrades 4 &\; 5\, offers opportunities to explore a var iety of art forms\,\nengaging students through creative problem solving\, self-expression and\nconfidence building.
SVMoA will be offering af ter-school care and\nactivities one day a week\, either Tuesday or Wednesd ay\, from\n2:30–5:30pm.
One of Ireland's\n best live acts\, the award-winning We Banjo 3 combines supergroup\ncredent ials with a breathtaking command of the emotive power of fiddle\,\nguitar\ , mandolin and banjo. Any single member of this group could electrify\na v enue with a solo performance\, but together with their passionate lead\nvo calist (who sounds like a young Springsteen adopted by The Chieftains)\,\n the result is truly unforgettable. These two sets of brothers write and\np erform with emotion\, incalculable brio and inventiveness\, power\, subtle ty\nand intelligence.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professional\nmusicians\ , authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to work with and\nperfo rm for local students. All of the performers in the 2021/2022\nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will be sharing their\ntalents with s tudents through our Residency Program.
CLICK\nHERE to learn more.
Events held at\nThe Argyros require proof of vaccination f rom all attendees. The Argyros\nwill also accept a negative Covid test for entry.
O ne of Ireland's\nbest live acts\, the award-winning We Banjo 3 combines su pergroup\ncredentials with a breathtaking command of the emotive power of fiddle\,\nguitar\, mandolin and banjo. Any single member of this group cou ld electrify\na venue with a solo performance\, but together with their pa ssionate lead\nvocalist (who sounds like a young Springsteen adopted by Th e Chieftains)\,\nthe result is truly unforgettable. These two sets of brot hers write and\nperform with emotion\, incalculable brio and inventiveness \, power\, subtlety\nand intelligence.
For 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing profess ional\nmusicians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to wor k with and\nperform for local students. All of the performers in the 2021/ 2022\nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will be sharing thei r\ntalents with students through our Residency Program.
CLICK\nH ERE to learn more.
Events held at\nThe Argyros require proof of vaccination from all attendees. The Argyros\nwill also accept a negati ve Covid test for entry.
< /p>\n
For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
(Estimated Running Time: 97 min. or possibly\nmore)
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(Estimated Running Time: 97 min. or possibly\nmo re)
For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(Estimated Running Time: 97 min. or possibly\nmore)
For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
(To be offered as one program of\n160 mi nutes)
\ n
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(To be offered as one p rogram of\n160 minutes)
For the 7th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your annual\nchance to pr edict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place Sunday\,\nMarch 27 \, 2022.
(To be offered as one program of\n160 mi nutes)
\ n
F or the 7th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary —this is your ann ual\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’ t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The Academy Awards take place S unday\,\nMarch 27\, 2022.
(To be offered as one p rogram of\n160 minutes)
Wabi-sabi is a\nJa panese philosophy of design that embraces imperfection and the happy\nacci dent. In this school of thought\, the beauty of an object is enhanced by\n wear and tear. Repairs are not considered detriments\, but instead are\nco nsidered opportunities to honor the piece through embellishment. In our\nc lass\, students will form a C-shaped\, textured sterling silver band ring\ nsized slightly too small. Next\, we will expand the ring to the proper si ze\nand mend the cut edges with a riveted-on strap that will also be\norna mented. The skills to be learned in making this ring are annealing\,\nforg ing and texturing metal\, ring sizing\, riveting\, using pickle and\npatin a\, and finally\, polishing.
Age &\; ability: 20 years\n and older\, beginners welcome!
A childhood fascination with plants led Lisa to a master's degree in\ nPlant Anatomy and she uses the textures and forms of the plant kingdom in \nall her jewelry. Moving from Arkansas to Idaho in 1989 opened her vistas \,\nchanged her color palette\, and inspired her to add leather and stones to\nher designs. She began her jewelry-making journey by learning to repa ir\ntreasured flea-market finds\, and quickly progressed into making silve r\nmetal clay and then bronze and copper metal clay pieces. In the last fi ve\nyears\, she has moved into traditional metalsmithing\, adding sheet me tal to\nthe metal clay. Lisa began teaching jewelry-making classes ten yea rs\nago.
W abi-sabi is a\nJapanese philosophy of design that embraces imperfection an d the happy\naccident. In this school of thought\, the beauty of an object is enhanced by\nwear and tear. Repairs are not considered detriments\, bu t instead are\nconsidered opportunities to honor the piece through embelli shment. In our\nclass\, students will form a C-shaped\, textured sterling silver band ring\nsized slightly too small. Next\, we will expand the ring to the proper size\nand mend the cut edges with a riveted-on strap that w ill also be\nornamented. The skills to be learned in making this ring are annealing\,\nforging and texturing metal\, ring sizing\, riveting\, using pickle and\npatina\, and finally\, polishing.
Age &\; ab ility: 20 years\nand older\, beginners welcome!
A childhood fascination with plants led Lisa to a ma ster's degree in\nPlant Anatomy and she uses the textures and forms of the plant kingdom in\nall her jewelry. Moving from Arkansas to Idaho in 1989 opened her vistas\,\nchanged her color palette\, and inspired her to add l eather and stones to\nher designs. She began her jewelry-making journey by learning to repair\ntreasured flea-market finds\, and quickly progressed into making silver\nmetal clay and then bronze and copper metal clay piece s. In the last five\nyears\, she has moved into traditional metalsmithing\ , adding sheet metal to\nthe metal clay. Lisa began teaching jewelry-makin g classes ten years\nago.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies movi ng\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican \nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\nwelcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\n cast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevisi on\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of\ndance. Tha t extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest the aters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 1 7\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 18\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her dance career on\npaus e when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teaching again and\nshar ing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nl ived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny eje rcitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces culturales de\nMé xico.
Edad y habilidad: d e\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para\nniñ os durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y\nhumanidad es. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de\nOaxaca. R ecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la\ndanza fo lklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies moving\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican\nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Sp anish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\n welcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\ncast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevision\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other for ms of\ndance. That extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest theaters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 17\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 1 8\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her danc e career on\npause when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teachin g again and\nsharing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny ejercitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces c ulturales de\nMéxico.
Edad y habilidad: de\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995 \, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de telev isión para\nniños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de a rtes y\nhumanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teat ros de\nOaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimient o de la\ndanza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies movi ng\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican \nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Spanish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\nwelcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\n cast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevisi on\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of\ndance. Tha t extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest the aters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 1 7\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 18\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her dance career on\npaus e when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teaching again and\nshar ing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nl ived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny eje rcitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces culturales de\nMé xico.
Edad y habilidad: d e\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para\nniñ os durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y\nhumanidad es. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de\nOaxaca. R ecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la\ndanza fo lklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico. Students as young as 10 will get their bodies moving\nand explore the elements of traditional Mexican Folk dance and Mexican\nculture. This workshop will be taught in English and Sp anish.
\nAge &\; ability: 10–16 years old\, beginners\n welcome!
Dirce Flores\nis a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was\ncast in a local TV show for over a year. After her after time on\ntelevision\, she returned to the study of folkloric and other for ms of\ndance. That extended curriculum gave her the opportunity to perform in the\nbest theaters in Oaxaca. Dirce began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at\nage 17\, became a ballet teacher for beginners at the age of 1 8\, and was\npart of a ballet company until she was 20. Dirce put her danc e career on\npause when she became a mom. Now she looks forward to teachin g again and\nsharing her dance with the community in the Wood River Valley where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende a bailar danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\ny ejercitas tu cuerpo así como aprendes más de las raíces c ulturales de\nMéxico.
Edad y habilidad: de\n10 a 16 años\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995 \, cuando\ntenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de telev isión para\nniños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de a rtes y\nhumanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teat ros de\nOaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimient o de la\ndanza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels. *At this\nsession\ , local artist Bob Dix will provide assistance with various drawing\ntechn iques.
Bring your own supplies\, drawing boards\np rovided.
Age &\; Ability: 18 years and older\, \nbeginners welcome!
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. For all skill levels. * At this\nsession\, local artist Bob Dix will provide assistance with vario us drawing\ntechniques.
Bring your own supplies\, drawing boards\nprovided.
Age &\; Ability: 18 years and older\,\nbeginners welcome!