Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMus eum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects< /em>\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly re freshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogethe r
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMuseum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly refreshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged t o attend\ntogether
Start you r\nGallery Walk at SVMoA!
Hidden Gems features important w orks\nfrom private collections throughout the Wood River Valley and offers \nvisitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the best-known artis ts\nof our times. The exhibition highlights the diversity and depth of mod ern\nand contemporary art in local collections and includes painting\,\nph otography\, prints\, and sculpture. Among the highlights are paintings by\ nmodernists Georgia O’Keeffe\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairfield Porter\,\nph otography by Tina Barney\, Robert Frank\, Anthony Hernandez\, and Cindy\nS herman\, minimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWitt\, and Frank\nSt ella\, sculpture and watercolors by Ken Price\, and a painting by\ncontemp orary artist Cecily Brown.
Start your\nGallery Walk at SVMoA!
Hidden Gems fea tures important works\nfrom private collections throughout the Wood River Valley and offers\nvisitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the best-known artists\nof our times. The exhibition highlights the diversity and depth of modern\nand contemporary art in local collections and includ es painting\,\nphotography\, prints\, and sculpture. Among the highlights are paintings by\nmodernists Georgia O’Keeffe\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairf ield Porter\,\nphotography by Tina Barney\, Robert Frank\, Anthony Hernand ez\, and Cindy\nSherman\, minimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWit t\, and Frank\nStella\, sculpture and watercolors by Ken Price\, and a pai nting by\ncontemporary artist Cecily Brown.
Go Figure!\nElevat e your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative studio session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsett ing. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refreshments\, and an\n open\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardless of experience \nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals recommended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.
\n< p>Age &\; ability: 16+\, all skill levels welcome! \nParticipants under 18 years of age need to provide a waiver\n signed by their guardian. CLICK HERE to download.
(register for each Open Studio se ssion/date\nindividually)
To learn more\nabout the job description and training\, plea se email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at
G o Figure!\nElevate your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative stud io session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsetting. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refres hments\, and an\nopen\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardl ess of experience\nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals reco mmended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be prov ided.
\nAge &\; ability: 16+\, all skill levels welc ome!
\nParticipants under 18 years of age need to p rovide a waiver\nsigned by their guardian. CLICK HERE to down load.
(register for ea ch Open Studio session/date\nindividually)
To learn more\nabout the job description an d training\, please email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at
Join artists Deb\n Sokolow and Cable Griffith for a conversation about their practices\,\npro cesses\, and mutual interest in the human fascination with night skies\nan d the extraterrestrial.
J oin artists Deb\nSokolow and Cable Griffith for a conversation about their practices\,\nprocesses\, and mutual interest in the human fascination wit h night skies\nand the extraterrestrial.
Join artists Deb\n Sokolow and Cable Griffith for a conversation about their practices\,\npro cesses\, and mutual interest in the human fascination with night skies\nan d the extraterrestrial.
J oin artists Deb\nSokolow and Cable Griffith for a conversation about their practices\,\nprocesses\, and mutual interest in the human fascination wit h night skies\nand the extraterrestrial.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.
Age &\; ability: 10– 16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.
\nDirce Flores is a professional dancer from Me xico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and la ter returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other forms of dance. She perf ormed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys sharing her love of dance\nwith the Wood River Valley\, where she h as lived since 2008.
Ve n y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La maestra de baile D irce Flores enseñará las clases en español\ne inglés.
Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudiantes\nde todos niveles son bi
Dirce es u na bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía die z años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños d urante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recie ntemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento de la danza folkl órica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.
Age & \; ability: 10–16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n
Dirce Flores is a profession al dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a loc al TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other forms o f dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teaching Me xican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys sharing her love of dance\nwith the Wood River Val ley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmientras te divie rtes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La m aestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las clases en español\ne inglés.
Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudiantes\nde tod os niveles son bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisi ón para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde arte s y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento d e la danza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.
Age &\; ability: 10– 16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.
\nDirce Flores is a professional dancer from Me xico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and la ter returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other forms of dance. She perf ormed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys sharing her love of dance\nwith the Wood River Valley\, where she h as lived since 2008.
Ve n y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La maestra de baile D irce Flores enseñará las clases en español\ne inglés.
Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudiantes\nde todos niveles son bi
Dirce es u na bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía die z años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisión para niños d urante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde artes y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recie ntemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento de la danza folkl órica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.
Age & \; ability: 10–16\nyears old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n
Dirce Flores is a profession al dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a loc al TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other forms o f dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teaching Me xican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys sharing her love of dance\nwith the Wood River Val ley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza folklórica mexicana\nmientras te divie rtes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de\nMéxico. La m aestra de baile Dirce Flores enseñará las clases en español\ne inglés.
Edad y habilidad: 10-16 años\; estudiantes\nde tod os niveles son bienvenidos!
Dirce es una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México.\nEn 1995\, cuando tenía diez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de\ntelevisi ón para niños durante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela\nde arte s y humanidades. Se hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores\nteatros de Oaxaca. Recientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su\nconocimiento d e la danza folklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle\nWood River.
Join us as we\ncel ebrate the opening of Sightings.
Living through the\nCovid -19 pandemic\, Americans developed a new relationship to the night sky\,\n looking to the stars for connection at a time of isolation. Located in\nru ral Idaho\, the number one state per capita for UFO sightings\, SVMoA sits \nat the edge of the 1\,416 square-mile Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve.\nM otivated by this geography and by local lore surrounding the possibility\n of extraterrestrial life\, SVMoA’s fall exhibition considers our human\n experience of UFOs and the extraterrestrial. Rather than ask what those wh o\nreport UFO sightings have actually seen\, the exhibition asks why we lo ok to\nthe night skies for signs of life\, and how we experience phenomena we\ncan’t explain. Featuring commissioned projects by artists Deb Sokol ow and\nCable Griffith alongside work by Karla Knight\, Robyn O’Neil\, I onel\nTalpazan\, Esther Pearl Watson\, and Timothy Wyllie.
J oin us as we\ncelebrate the opening of Sightings.
Living t hrough the\nCovid-19 pandemic\, Americans developed a new relationship to the night sky\,\nlooking to the stars for connection at a time of isolatio n. Located in\nrural Idaho\, the number one state per capita for UFO sight ings\, SVMoA sits\nat the edge of the 1\,416 square-mile Central Idaho Dar k Sky Reserve.\nMotivated by this geography and by local lore surrounding the possibility\nof extraterrestrial life\, SVMoA’s fall exhibition cons iders our human\nexperience of UFOs and the extraterrestrial. Rather than ask what those who\nreport UFO sightings have actually seen\, the exhibiti on asks why we look to\nthe night skies for signs of life\, and how we exp erience phenomena we\ncan’t explain. Featuring commissioned projects by artists Deb Sokolow and\nCable Griffith alongside work by Karla Knight\, R obyn O’Neil\, Ionel\nTalpazan\, Esther Pearl Watson\, and Timothy Wyllie .
Learn how to\ncrea te stunning images under some of the darkest skies in the lower 48\nstates ! This class will cover pre-trip planning\, camera settings and ideal\nequ ipment\, composition\, panorama creation\, and post-processing\ntechniques .
Participants will meet at the Sun Valley Museum of\nArt's Ha iley Classroom on Fri\, Sep 15 at 4:30pm to make a pre-trip plan and\nrevi ew camera basics. Carpools will depart for the shooting location at\nCrate rs of the Moon by 6pm. Students will photograph the sunset (7:50pm)\,\ndis cuss camera settings and composition\, and shoot a bit during blue hour\n( twilight) before astronomical twilight (fully dark sky). Once the sky\nful ly darkens (9pm)\, participants will practice creating long-exposure\nnigh t sky compositions before heading back to Hailey around 10:30pm. If the\ns ky is cloudy at the chosen site\, arrangements will be made to find an\nal ternate site with clear skies.
On Saturday\, students will\ndiscu ss post-processing techniques\, including light noise reduction\,\npanoram a stitching\, lens corrections\, and image retouching.
\nAge and ability: 17+ years old and\nbasic knowledge of how to operate your camera in manual mode\; advanced\nphotography skil ls not required.
L earn how to\ncreate stunning images under some of the darkest skies in the lower 48\nstates! This class will cover pre-trip planning\, camera settin gs and ideal\nequipment\, composition\, panorama creation\, and post-proce ssing\ntechniques.
Participants will meet at the Sun Valley Mu seum of\nArt's Hailey Classroom on Fri\, Sep 15 at 4:30pm to make a pre-tr ip plan and\nreview camera basics. Carpools will depart for the shooting l ocation at\nCraters of the Moon by 6pm. Students will photograph the sunse t (7:50pm)\,\ndiscuss camera settings and composition\, and shoot a bit du ring blue hour\n(twilight) before astronomical twilight (fully dark sky). Once the sky\nfully darkens (9pm)\, participants will practice creating lo ng-exposure\nnight sky compositions before heading back to Hailey around 1 0:30pm. If the\nsky is cloudy at the chosen site\, arrangements will be ma de to find an\nalternate site with clear skies.
On Saturday\, stu dents will\ndiscuss post-processing techniques\, including light noise red uction\,\npanorama stitching\, lens corrections\, and image retouching.
\nAge and ability: 17+ years old and \nbasic knowledge of how to operate your camera in manual mode\; advanced\ nphotography skills not required.
Rock n Roll recording artists and\nglobetrot ting journeymen\, Devon Allman &\; Donavon Frankenreiter have\ntheir si ghts set on a World Record with their new SEE IT ALL TOUR 2023.
\nTh e concept is simple. The execution will be brutal ... 50 shows in all\n50 American states in less than 50 days. Like modern day Evel\nKnievel’s\ , the tour is going to test the wills of these road tested\nveterans at ev ery turn.
For nearly four decades Donavon\nFrankenreiter has been t ravelling the globe\, first as a professional surfer\nand now as a musicia n. With over a dozen albums under his belt\,\nFrankenreiter has worked it on the touring trail worldwide for three\ndecades. Donavon is a brand amba ssador for Flying Embers as well as Sanuk\nFootwear and also co-owner of H umble Brands\, Caddis Eyewear and several\nother companies.
Blue s Music Award-winning singer\, guitarist\,\nsongwriter\, and producer Devo n Allman (son of Rock legend Gregg Allman) has\nappeared at the world’s biggest festivals and has co-founded the\nsupergroups Royal Southern Broth erhood and The Allman Betts Band amassing a\nrecording catalog of 11 album s. He writes a column for Guitar Player\nMagazine\, is endorsed by Gibson guitars\, and serves on the board of\ndirectors for the National Blues Mus eum.
The See it All Tour will\ntake them to places they’ve never been\, at a pace that’s never been\ndone. Doing one set entirely togethe r with a backing band\, the duo will be\nplaying songs off of their soon t o be released collaborative EP titled\n“Rollers.” Be a part of music h istory and cheer on Team D&\;D.\nLet’s kick the tires and start the f ires.
Special guest Jackson\nStokes will open the show.
Rock n Roll recording artis ts and\nglobetrotting journeymen\, Devon Allman &\; Donavon Frankenreit er have\ntheir sights set on a World Record with their new SEE IT ALL TOUR 2023.
\nThe concept is simple. The execution will be brutal ... 50 shows in all\n50 American states in less than 50 days. Like modern day E vel\nKnievel’s\, the tour is going to test the wills of these road teste d\nveterans at every turn.
For nearly four decades Donavon\nFranken reiter has been travelling the globe\, first as a professional surfer\nand now as a musician. With over a dozen albums under his belt\,\nFrankenreit er has worked it on the touring trail worldwide for three\ndecades. Donavo n is a brand ambassador for Flying Embers as well as Sanuk\nFootwear and a lso co-owner of Humble Brands\, Caddis Eyewear and several\nother companie s.
Blues Music Award-winning singer\, guitarist\,\nsongwriter\, and producer Devon Allman (son of Rock legend Gregg Allman) has\nappeared at the world’s biggest festivals and has co-founded the\nsupergroups Roy al Southern Brotherhood and The Allman Betts Band amassing a\nrecording ca talog of 11 albums. He writes a column for Guitar Player\nMagazine\, is en dorsed by Gibson guitars\, and serves on the board of\ndirectors for the N ational Blues Museum.
The See it All Tour will\ntake them to places they’ve never been\, at a pace that’s never been\ndone. Doing one set entirely together with a backing band\, the duo will be\nplaying songs of f of their soon to be released collaborative EP titled\n“Rollers.” Be a part of music history and cheer on Team D&\;D.\nLet’s kick the tire s and start the fires.
Special guest Jackson\nStokes will open the show.
Enjoy a tour of\nt he exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Living through the\nCov id-19 pandemic\, Americans developed a new relationship to the night sky\, \nlooking to the stars for connection at a time of isolation. Located in\n rural Idaho\, the number one state per capita for UFO sightings\, SVMoA si ts\nat the edge of the 1\,416 square-mile Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve.\ nMotivated by this geography and by local lore surrounding the possibility \nof extraterrestrial life\, SVMoA’s fall exhibition considers our human \nexperience of UFOs and the extraterrestrial. Rather than ask what those who\nreport UFO sightings have actually seen\, the exhibition asks why we look to\nthe night skies for signs of life\, and how we experience phenome na we\ncan’t explain. Featuring commissioned projects by artists Deb\nSokolow and Cable Griffith alongside work by\nKarla Knight\, Robyn O’Neil\,\nIonel Talpazan\, Esther Pearl Watson\, and\ nTimothy Wyllie.
Refreshments will be\ nserved in the Museum classroom prior to the start of the tour.\n
E njoy a tour of\nthe exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Living through the\nCovid-19 pandemic\, Americans developed a new relationship t o the night sky\,\nlooking to the stars for connection at a time of isolat ion. Located in\nrural Idaho\, the number one state per capita for UFO sig htings\, SVMoA sits\nat the edge of the 1\,416 square-mile Central Idaho D ark Sky Reserve.\nMotivated by this geography and by local lore surroundin g the possibility\nof extraterrestrial life\, SVMoA’s fall exhibition co nsiders our human\nexperience of UFOs and the extraterrestrial. Rather tha n ask what those who\nreport UFO sightings have actually seen\, the exhibi tion asks why we look to\nthe night skies for signs of life\, and how we e xperience phenomena we\ncan’t explain. Featuring commissioned projects b y artists Deb\nSokolow and Cable Griffith alongside work by\nKarla Knight\, Robyn O’Nei l\,\nIonel Talpazan\, Esther Pearl Watso n\, and\nTimothy Wyllie.
Refr eshments will be\nserved in the Museum classroom prior to the start of the tour.\n
For the 6th year\, \nthe Sun Valley Museum of Art presents the MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. \nFrom September 28 through October 8\, this unique festival brings togeth er\nover 100\,000 filmgoers in over 500 cities and towns across 6 continen ts.\nThe Festival curates a wide variety of films from around the world\, and the\njury includes ALL film attendees from around the globe\, includin g our\nKetchum audience!
The Ten MANHATTAN SHORT Finalists hail fro m eight\ncountries\, with films from Australia\, Afghanistan\, Finland\, I ran\,\nSwitzerland\, United Kingdom\, Canada\, alongside three films from the USA.\nThe 2023 line-up is linked by a common theme: how we face advers ity\,\nwhether it is imposed by others or arises from personal circumstanc es. The\nten films in the program feature narratives that are dramatic\, s ometimes\nhumorous\, occasionally magical\, and always inspirational!
Voting cards will be\ngiven to each attendee\, and every year\, the Wood River Valley audience’s\ntop scorer has turned out to be the winner. These films alwa ys present a\nwide variety of views and moods\, and we predict that this y ear will be no\ndifferent.
F or the 6th year\,\nthe Sun Valley Museum of Art presents the MANHATTAN SHO RT Film Festival.\nFrom September 28 through October 8\, this unique festi val brings together\nover 100\,000 filmgoers in over 500 cities and towns across 6 continents.\nThe Festival curates a wide variety of films from ar ound the world\, and the\njury includes ALL film attendees from around the globe\, including our\nKetchum audience!
The Ten MANHATTAN SHORT F inalists hail from eight\ncountries\, with films from Australia\, Afghanis tan\, Finland\, Iran\,\nSwitzerland\, United Kingdom\, Canada\, alongside three films from the USA.\nThe 2023 line-up is linked by a common theme: h ow we face adversity\,\nwhether it is imposed by others or arises from per sonal circumstances. The\nten films in the program feature narratives that are dramatic\, sometimes\nhumorous\, occasionally magical\, and always in spirational!
Voting cards will be\ngiven to each attendee\, and every year\, the W ood River Valley audience’s\ntop scorer has turned out to be the winner. These films always present a\nwide variety of views and moods\, and we pr edict that this year will be no\ndifferent.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe fall exhibition Sightings every Thursday from 4:30–4:45pm. \nDrop by\, get your art fix\, and check out our recently renovated\ngalle ries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe fall exhibition Sightings every Thursday fr om 4:30–4:45pm.\nDrop by\, get your art fix\, and check out our recently renovated\ngalleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe fall exhibition Sightings every Thursday from 4:30–4:45pm. \nDrop by\, get your art fix\, and check out our recently renovated\ngalle ries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe fall exhibition Sightings every Thursday fr om 4:30–4:45pm.\nDrop by\, get your art fix\, and check out our recently renovated\ngalleries!
For the 6th year\, \nthe Sun Valley Museum of Art presents the MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. \nFrom September 28 through October 8\, this unique festival brings togeth er\nover 100\,000 filmgoers in over 500 cities and towns across 6 continen ts.\nThe Festival curates a wide variety of films from around the world\, and the\njury includes ALL film attendees from around the globe\, includin g our\nKetchum audience!
The Ten MANHATTAN SHORT Finalists hail fro m eight\ncountries\, with films from Australia\, Afghanistan\, Finland\, I ran\,\nSwitzerland\, United Kingdom\, Canada\, alongside three films from the USA.\nThe 2023 line-up is linked by a common theme: how we face advers ity\,\nwhether it is imposed by others or arises from personal circumstanc es. The\nten films in the program feature narratives that are dramatic\, s ometimes\nhumorous\, occasionally magical\, and always inspirational!
Voting cards will be\ngiven to each attendee\, and every year\, the Wood River Valley audience’s\ntop scorer has turned out to be the winner. These films alwa ys present a\nwide variety of views and moods\, and we predict that this y ear will be no\ndifferent.
F or the 6th year\,\nthe Sun Valley Museum of Art presents the MANHATTAN SHO RT Film Festival.\nFrom September 28 through October 8\, this unique festi val brings together\nover 100\,000 filmgoers in over 500 cities and towns across 6 continents.\nThe Festival curates a wide variety of films from ar ound the world\, and the\njury includes ALL film attendees from around the globe\, including our\nKetchum audience!
The Ten MANHATTAN SHORT F inalists hail from eight\ncountries\, with films from Australia\, Afghanis tan\, Finland\, Iran\,\nSwitzerland\, United Kingdom\, Canada\, alongside three films from the USA.\nThe 2023 line-up is linked by a common theme: h ow we face adversity\,\nwhether it is imposed by others or arises from per sonal circumstances. The\nten films in the program feature narratives that are dramatic\, sometimes\nhumorous\, occasionally magical\, and always in spirational!
Voting cards will be\ngiven to each attendee\, and every year\, the W ood River Valley audience’s\ntop scorer has turned out to be the winner. These films always present a\nwide variety of views and moods\, and we pr edict that this year will be no\ndifferent.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and create art inspire d by\nSVMoA's current exhibition Sightings. Projects will cha nge\nmonthly.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, families \nencouraged to attend together
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and c reate art inspired by\nSVMoA's current exhibition Sightings. Projects will change\nmonthly.
Age &\; Ability: al l ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and create art inspire d by\nSVMoA's current exhibition Sightings. Projects will cha nge\nmonthly.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, families \nencouraged to attend together
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and c reate art inspired by\nSVMoA's current exhibition Sightings. Projects will change\nmonthly.
Age &\; Ability: al l ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Join SVMoA for an\ nevening of printmaking and sustainable fashion. Carve creative designs in to\nsoft linoleum blocks and ink up. Bring something you’d like to stamp and\ngive life to old fabric (think t-shirts\, sweatshirts\, tote bags\, dish\ntowels\, etc).
No experience necessary. Snacks and all ma terials\nwill be provided. Open to all teenagers.
Teens are invited to Te en Night\,\na free art-making program on select Fridays by and for teens. Work with\nSVMoA Team to create and learn new techniques with art projects inspired by\nSVMoA’s past and present exhibitions. All free and geared toward young\npeople ages 14-20.
Are you an artist\, musician\, poe t\, dancer?\nWe’re always looking for talented young people interested i n sharing\ntheir talents at Teen Nights. Interested? Email
J oin SVMoA for an\nevening of printmaking and sustainable fashion. Carve cr eative designs into\nsoft linoleum blocks and ink up. Bring something you ’d like to stamp and\ngive life to old fabric (think t-shirts\, sweatshi rts\, tote bags\, dish\ntowels\, etc).
No experience necessary. Snacks and all materials\nwill be provided. Open to all teenagers.
Teens are invited to Teen Night\,\na free art-making program on select Fridays by and for teens. Work with\nSVMoA Team to create and learn new techniques with art projects inspired by\nSVMoA’s past and present exhibitions. Al l free and geared toward young\npeople ages 14-20.
Are you an artis t\, musician\, poet\, dancer?\nWe’re always looking for talented young p eople interested in sharing\ntheir talents at Teen Nights. Interested? Ema il