Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMus eum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects< /em>\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly re freshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogethe r
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMuseum\, explore the summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley\nCollects\, and energize their creative spirits with artmaking in the\nnewly refreshed Ketchum Studio. Projects will change monthly.
\nAge &\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged t o attend\ntogether
Get out your\nsket ch book! With emphasis on observational skills and hand-eye\ncoordination\ , this 8-day workshop will explore graded tones\, line\, negative\nspace\, perspective\, and shadows. Each day\, examine a different still life\nas you develop fundamental drawing skills and increased confidence to draw.\n The classes are cumulative and open to beginning students as well as those \nwho want to refresh their skills.
Age &\; ability: 17 and\nolder\, beginners welcome!
SVMoA and Jim will pro vide\nall the materials necessary for the class (included in the enrollmen t\ncost).
Born in New York\, Jim Caldwell has spent most o f his\nlife in the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated from Williams Coll ege in\n1964 as an Art Major and spent the next year in Paris studying pri nting and\netching at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1969 he received his Ma ster of\nArchitecture Degree from the Yale School of Architecture. Jim has had over\n45 solo shows and his paintings are represented in more than 45 0\ncollections worldwide.
G et out your\nsketch book! With emphasis on observational skills and hand-e ye\ncoordination\, this 8-day workshop will explore graded tones\, line\, negative\nspace\, perspective\, and shadows. Each day\, examine a differen t still life\nas you develop fundamental drawing skills and increased conf idence to draw.\nThe classes are cumulative and open to beginning students as well as those\nwho want to refresh their skills.
Age &a mp\; ability: 17 and\nolder\, beginners welcome!
SVMoA and Jim will provide\nall the materials necessary for the class (included in the enrollment\ncost).
Born in New York\, Jim Caldwell has spent most of his\nlife in the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated f rom Williams College in\n1964 as an Art Major and spent the next year in P aris studying printing and\netching at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1969 h e received his Master of\nArchitecture Degree from the Yale School of Arch itecture. Jim has had over\n45 solo shows and his paintings are represente d in more than 450\ncollections worldwide.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
For the better\npa rt of two decades\, The Wood Brothers have cemented their \nreputation as freethinking songwriters\, road warriors\, and community\n builders\, creating a catalog of diverse music and a loyal audience who’ ve\ngrown alongside them through the years. That evolution continues with Heart\nis the Hero\, the band's eighth studio album. Recorded analog to 16 -track\ntape\, this latest effort finds its three creators embracing the c hemistry\nof their acclaimed live shows by capturing their performances in real-time\ndirect from the studio floor with nary a computer in sight.
After\nfinally being in the same room for the first time in six month s\,\nthe Infamous Stringdusters seized the moment for the ir\nrevealing new album\, Toward the Fray. Inspired by self-refle ction\nand a strong sense of solidarity\, the project documents the Grammy \nAward-winning group's remarkable growth as instrumentalists as well as\n songwriters. Released on their own label\, Americana Vibes\, the collectio n\nalso firmly establishes the band's stature on the modern acoustic music \nlandscape\, where they've built a solid and enduring fan base among\ntra ditional and progressive audiences alike.
The five band\nmembers — Travis Book (bass)\, Andy Falco (guitar)\, Jeremy Garrett\n(fiddle)\, Andy Hall (Dobro)\, and Chris Pandolfi (banjo) — wrote the\nsongs on Toward the Fray separately\, sending simple phone demos to\neach ot her during lockdown. Fueled by friendship and a mastery of their\ninstrume nts\, the 13-track collection feels live\, but not necessarily loose\,\ndu e to a synergy that's developed over the last 16 years of playing sheds\,\ nclubs\, and festival stages across the country.
F or the better\npart of two decades\, The Wood Brothers ha ve cemented their\nreputation as freethinking songwriters\, road warriors\ , and community\nbuilders\, creating a catalog of diverse music and a loya l audience who’ve\ngrown alongside them through the years. That evolutio n continues with Heart\nis the Hero\, the band's eighth studio album. Reco rded analog to 16-track\ntape\, this latest effort finds its three creator s embracing the chemistry\nof their acclaimed live shows by capturing thei r performances in real-time\ndirect from the studio floor with nary a comp uter in sight.
After\nfinally being in the same room for the first time in six months\,\nthe Infamous Stringdusters seized t he moment for their\nrevealing new album\, Toward the Fray. Inspi red by self-reflection\nand a strong sense of solidarity\, the project doc uments the Grammy\nAward-winning group's remarkable growth as instrumental ists as well as\nsongwriters. Released on their own label\, Americana Vibe s\, the collection\nalso firmly establishes the band's stature on the mode rn acoustic music\nlandscape\, where they've built a solid and enduring fa n base among\ntraditional and progressive audiences alike.
The five band\nmembers — Travis Book (bass)\, Andy Falco (guitar)\, Jeremy Garr ett\n(fiddle)\, Andy Hall (Dobro)\, and Chris Pandolfi (banjo) — wrote the\nsongs on Toward the Fray separately\, sending simple phone d emos to\neach other during lockdown. Fueled by friendship and a mastery of their\ninstruments\, the 13-track collection feels live\, but not necessa rily loose\,\ndue to a synergy that's developed over the last 16 years of playing sheds\,\nclubs\, and festival stages across the country.
Join printmaker\nC hristie Tirado for a family-friendly bilingual printmaking workshop and\nh elp SVMoA prepare for our October celebration of Día de los Muertos.\nPar ticipants will make prints of images related to Day of the Dead —\nskull s\, butterflies\, flowers\, and more. Each participant will make at least\ ntwo impressions of their print—one to take with them\, one for inclusio n\nin the altar SVMoA will create for this year’s Día de los Muertos\nc elebration. Tirado will lead the workshop in Spanish and English\, guiding \nparticipants of all ages as they work with Styrofoam plates to make thei r\nprints.
Workshop is for all ages &\;\nabi lities\; families welcome!
A graduate of the University of Washington\, Christie Tirado\ nis an artist and educator based in the Yakima Valley. Her work has been\n exhibited at SVMoA and galleries across the Pacific Northwest. This fall\ ,\nshe will be entering the MFA program at the University of\nWisconsin-Ma dison.
Únase a la\ngrabadora Christi e Tirado para un taller de grabado bilingüe para toda la\nfamilia y ayude a SVMoA a prepararse para nuestra celebración de octubre\ndel Día de lo s Muertos. Los participantes harán impresiones de imágenes\nrelacionadas con el Día de Muertos: calaveras\, mariposas\, flores y más.\nCada part icipante hará al menos 2 impresiones de su grabado\, una para\nllevar con ellos\, una para incluir en la ofrenda que SVMoA creará para la\ncelebra ción del Día de los Muertos de este año. Tirado dirigirá el\ntaller en español e inglés\, guiando a los participantes de todas las\nedades mie ntras trabajan con placas de espuma de poliestireno para hacer\nsus impres iones.
Graduada de la\nUnivers idad de Washington\, Christie Tirado es una artista y educadora\nradicada en el Valle de Yakima. Su trabajo ha sido exhibido en SVMoA y\ngalerías e n todo el noroeste del Pacífico. Este otoño\, ingresará al\nprograma MF A en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison.
J oin printmaker\nChristie Tirado for a family-friendly bilingual printmakin g workshop and\nhelp SVMoA prepare for our October celebration of Día de los Muertos.\nParticipants will make prints of images related to Day of th e Dead —\nskulls\, butterflies\, flowers\, and more. Each participant wi ll make at least\ntwo impressions of their print—one to take with them\, one for inclusion\nin the altar SVMoA will create for this year’s Día de los Muertos\ncelebration. Tirado will lead the workshop in Spanish and English\, guiding\nparticipants of all ages as they work with Styrofoam pl ates to make their\nprints.
Workshop is for all ages &\;\nabilities\; families welcome!
A graduate of the University of Washington \, Christie Tirado\nis an artist and educator based in the Yakima Valley. Her work has been\nexhibited at SVMoA and galleries across the Pacific No rthwest. This fall\,\nshe will be entering the MFA program at the Universi ty of\nWisconsin-Madison.
\nÚnase a la \ngrabadora Christie Tirado para un taller de grabado bilingüe para toda la\nfamilia y ayude a SVMoA a prepararse para nuestra celebración de octu bre\ndel Día de los Muertos. Los participantes harán impresiones de imá genes\nrelacionadas con el Día de Muertos: calaveras\, mariposas\, flores y más.\nCada participante hará al menos 2 impresiones de su grabado\, u na para\nllevar con ellos\, una para incluir en la ofrenda que SVMoA crear á para la\ncelebración del Día de los Muertos de este año. Tirado diri girá el\ntaller en español e inglés\, guiando a los participantes de to das las\nedades mientras trabajan con placas de espuma de poliestireno par a hacer\nsus impresiones.
Grad uada de la\nUniversidad de Washington\, Christie Tirado es una artista y e ducadora\nradicada en el Valle de Yakima. Su trabajo ha sido exhibido en S VMoA y\ngalerías en todo el noroeste del Pacífico. Este otoño\, ingresa rá al\nprograma MFA en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison.
Join printmaker\nC hristie Tirado for a bilingual printmaking workshop focused on relief\npri ntmaking. Students will learn linoleum block printmaking and make images\n inspired by loved ones. Each participant will make at least 2 impressions\ nof their print—one to take with them\, one for inclusion in the altar\n SVMoA will create for this year’s Día de los Muertos celebration.
\nTirado will lead the workshop in Spanish and English\, guiding\npart icipants as they work with linoleum. This intensive workshop will cover\nb lock preparation\, transferring an image onto the block\, carving\ntechniq ues\, and the printing process. Participants will leave with prints\nand a carved linoleum block which can be used to make more prints. No prior\npr intmaking experience is required.
SVMoA will supply materials\n (included in enrollment cost).
Age &\; Ability: 16 and older\; no\nprior printmaking exp erience is required\; beginners welcome!
\nÚnase a\nla grabadora Christie Tirado para un taller de grabado bilingüe centrado\nen el grabado en relieve. Los estudiantes apr enderán a hacer grabados con\nbloques de linóleo y crearán imágenes in spiradas en sus seres queridos.\nCada participante hará al menos 2 impres iones de su grabado\, una para\nllevar con ellos\, una para incluir en la ofrenda que SVMoA creará para la\ncelebración del Día de los Muertos de este año.
Tirado conducirá\nel taller en español e inglés\, gu iando a los participantes mientras\ntrabajan con linóleo. Este taller int ensivo cubrirá la preparación del\nbloque\, la transferencia de una imag en al bloque\, las técnicas de tallado\ny el proceso de impresión. Los p articipantes se irán con grabados y un\nbloque de linóleo tallado que se puede usar para hacer más grabados.
\nNo se requiere exper iencia previa en grabado.
\nSVMoA suministrará materiales (incluidos en el costo de\ninscripción).
Graduada de la Unive rsidad de Washington\,\nChristie Tirado es una artista y educadora radicad a en el Valle de Yakima.\nSu trabajo ha sido exhibido en SVMoA y galerías en todo el noroeste del\nPacífico. Este otoño\, ingresará al programa MFA en la Universidad de\nWisconsin-Madison.
J oin printmaker\nChristie Tirado for a bilingual printmaking workshop focus ed on relief\nprintmaking. Students will learn linoleum block printmaking and make images\ninspired by loved ones. Each participant will make at lea st 2 impressions\nof their print—one to take with them\, one for inclusi on in the altar\nSVMoA will create for this year’s Día de los Muertos c elebration.
\nTirado will lead the workshop in Spanish and Englis h\, guiding\nparticipants as they work with linoleum. This intensive works hop will cover\nblock preparation\, transferring an image onto the block\, carving\ntechniques\, and the printing process. Participants will leave w ith prints\nand a carved linoleum block which can be used to make more pri nts. No prior\nprintmaking experience is required.
SVMoA will s upply materials\n(included in enrollment cost).
Age &\; Ability: 16 and older\; no\nprio r printmaking experience is required\; beginners welcome!
\nA graduate of t he\nUniversity of Washington\, Christie Tirado is an artist and educator b ased\nin the Yakima Valley. Her work has been exhibited at SVMoA and gall eries\nacross the Pacific Northwest. This fall\, she will be entering the MFA\nprogram at the University of\nWisconsin-Madison.< span>
Únase a\nla grabadora Christie Tirado para un taller de grabado bilingüe centrado\nen el grabado en relieve. Lo s estudiantes aprenderán a hacer grabados con\nbloques de linóleo y crea rán imágenes inspiradas en sus seres queridos.\nCada participante hará al menos 2 impresiones de su grabado\, una para\nllevar con ellos\, una pa ra incluir en la ofrenda que SVMoA creará para la\ncelebración del Día de los Muertos de este año.
Tirado conducirá\nel taller en españ ol e inglés\, guiando a los participantes mientras\ntrabajan con linóleo . Este taller intensivo cubrirá la preparación del\nbloque\, la transfer encia de una imagen al bloque\, las técnicas de tallado\ny el proceso de impresión. Los participantes se irán con grabados y un\nbloque de linól eo tallado que se puede usar para hacer más grabados.
\nNo se requiere experiencia previa en grabado.
\nSVMoA suminist rará materiales (incluidos en el costo de\ninscripción).
Gra duada de la Universidad de Washington\,\nChristie Tirado es una artista y educadora radicada en el Valle de Yakima.\nSu trabajo ha sido exhibido en SVMoA y galerías en todo el noroeste del\nPacífico. Este otoño\, ingres ará al programa MFA en la Universidad de\nWisconsin-Madison.
Enjoy a tour of\nthe exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Hidden Gems\nfeatures important works from private collection s throughout the Wood River\nValley and offers visitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the\nbest-known artists of our times. The exhibit ion highlights the diversity\nand depth of modern and contemporary art in local collections and includes\npainting\, photography\, prints\, and scul pture. Among the highlights are\npaintings by modernists Georgia O’Keeff e\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairfield\nPorter\, photography by Tina Barney\, Ro bert Frank\, Anthony Hernandez\, and\nCindy Sherman\, minimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWitt\, and Frank\nStella\, sculpture and watercol ors by Ken Price\, and a painting by\ncontemporary artist Cecily Brown.
Enjoy a tour of\nthe exhibition with The Museum ’s curators.
Hidden Gems\nfeatures important works from private collections throughout the Wood River\nValley and offers visitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the\nbest-known artists of our times. The exhibition highlights the diversity\nand depth of modern and co ntemporary art in local collections and includes\npainting\, photography\, prints\, and sculpture. Among the highlights are\npaintings by modernists Georgia O’Keeffe\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairfield\nPorter\, photography b y Tina Barney\, Robert Frank\, Anthony Hernandez\, and\nCindy Sherman\, mi nimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWitt\, and Frank\nStella\, scul pture and watercolors by Ken Price\, and a painting by\ncontemporary artis t Cecily Brown.
Enjoy a tour of\nthe exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
Hidden Gems\nfeatures important works from private collection s throughout the Wood River\nValley and offers visitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the\nbest-known artists of our times. The exhibit ion highlights the diversity\nand depth of modern and contemporary art in local collections and includes\npainting\, photography\, prints\, and scul pture. Among the highlights are\npaintings by modernists Georgia O’Keeff e\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairfield\nPorter\, photography by Tina Barney\, Ro bert Frank\, Anthony Hernandez\, and\nCindy Sherman\, minimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWitt\, and Frank\nStella\, sculpture and watercol ors by Ken Price\, and a painting by\ncontemporary artist Cecily Brown.
Enjoy a tour of\nthe exhibition with The Museum ’s curators.
Hidden Gems\nfeatures important works from private collections throughout the Wood River\nValley and offers visitors the opportunity to view artwork by some of the\nbest-known artists of our times. The exhibition highlights the diversity\nand depth of modern and co ntemporary art in local collections and includes\npainting\, photography\, prints\, and sculpture. Among the highlights are\npaintings by modernists Georgia O’Keeffe\, Agnes Pelton\, and Fairfield\nPorter\, photography b y Tina Barney\, Robert Frank\, Anthony Hernandez\, and\nCindy Sherman\, mi nimalist prints by Ellsworth Kelly\, Sol LeWitt\, and Frank\nStella\, scul pture and watercolors by Ken Price\, and a painting by\ncontemporary artis t Cecily Brown.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and create art inspire d by\nSVMoA's summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. \nProjects will change monthly.
Age &\; Abilit y:\nall ages\, families encouraged to attend together
< /div>
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA's\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials\, and c reate art inspired by\nSVMoA's summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Vall ey Collects.\nProjects will change monthly.
Age &\; Ability:\nall ages\, families encouraged to attend together
In this 2-day\npri ntmaking workshop\, participants will spend the first day making printing\ nplates using various substances and surfaces\, such as fabric\, bubble wr ap\,\nwallpaper\, leaves\, and more. On day two\, ink up and begin printin g\, either\nby press or hand. Each time your plate is inked\, it will crea te a unique\nmonoprint\, revealing varying tones\, textures\, and values o f color.
\nSVMoA will provide the necessary materials (included in enrollment\ncost).
Age &\; ability: 16 and older \; all levels\;\nbeginners welcome!
A recent arrival in the Wood River Va lley\, Caty Kendall has an MFA from\nPratt Institute and has been teaching multiple ages for more than twenty\nyears. Her work has been presented in multiple galleries on the East Coast\nand is in the permanent printmaking collections of the New York Public\nLibrary and the University of Georgia .
I n this 2-day\nprintmaking workshop\, participants will spend the first day making printing\nplates using various substances and surfaces\, such as f abric\, bubble wrap\,\nwallpaper\, leaves\, and more. On day two\, ink up and begin printing\, either\nby press or hand. Each time your plate is ink ed\, it will create a unique\nmonoprint\, revealing varying tones\, textur es\, and values of color.
\nSVMoA will provide the necessary mat erials (included in enrollment\ncost).
Age &\; abil ity: 16 and older\; all levels\;\nbeginners welcome!
A recent arrival in the Wood River Valley\, Caty Kendall has an MFA from\nPratt Institute and has been teaching multiple ages for more than twenty\nyears. Her work has been presented in multiple galleries on the East Coast\nand is in the perm anent printmaking collections of the New York Public\nLibrary and the Univ ersity of Georgia.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get you r\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe summer exhibition Hidden Gems: Sun Valley Collects. Drop by\, get your\nart fix and check out our newly renovated galleries!