Inspire your\neven ings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-week course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration processes\, story an d\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of crafting your very ow n\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, begi nners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning author and\nillustr ator of 30 books for children. These include her internationally\nacclaime d board books starring her bald Baby character (such as Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher ill ustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLe slie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Children’s\nPictu re Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfir st books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of knowledge about\nch ildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\na uthors and illustrators.
I nspire your\nevenings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-we ek course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration pro cesses\, story and\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of craf ting your very own\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, beginners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning au thor and\nillustrator of 30 books for children. These include her internat ionally\nacclaimed board books starring her bald Baby character (such as < em>Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher illustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLeslie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Ch ildren’s\nPicture Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfirst books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of kn owledge about\nchildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\nauthors and illustrators.
Go Figure!\nElevat e your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative studio session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsett ing. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refreshments\, and an\n open\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardless of experience \nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals is recommended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.
\nAge &\; ability: 16 years and older\, all skill levels\nwe lcome!
Participants under 18 years of age need to\ nprovide a waiver signed by their guardian. CLICK HERE to dow nload.
(register for each\nOpen Studio session/date individua lly)
To learn more\nabout the job description and traini ng\, please email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at
G o Figure!\nElevate your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative stud io session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsetting. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refres hments\, and an\nopen\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardl ess of experience\nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals is r ecommended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be p rovided.
\nAge &\; ability: 16 years and older\, all skill levels\nwelcome!
Participants under 18 year s of age need to\nprovide a waiver signed by their guardian. CLIC K HERE to download.
(register for each\nOpen Studio sessi on/date individually)
To learn more\nabout the job descr iption and training\, please email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at< /strong>.
Join us for a\nspe cial free screening of a TV pilot called MORSE CODE created by musician\,\ nauthor\, and actor\, Korby Lenker. Korby will kick off the screening with a\ncouple of songs and following the screening will be on hand for\nQ& \;A.
From Native Idahoan and longtime resident of East\nNa
shville Korby Lenker\, we bring you
In the eccentric community of modern-day East\nNashvi
lle\, Simon Morse\, a talented but flawed thirty-something indie folk\nsin
ger finds himself at a crossroads as he struggles to strike a balance\nbet
ween family and career.
It's Portlandia… meets\n
This Is Us… with the vinyl scratch of High Fidelity.
Authentic\, grounded\, quirky\, and at times darkly funny\,
\nMorse Code is about a working-class musician — an archetype\n
fast-disappearing from America’s Spotify-manicured landscape — about a
\nguy trying to hold on to his livelihood\, to stay true to himself and hi
s\nquiet calling in a winner-take-all world.
Simon desperat
ely\nwants to be both a good father and a successful artist. For the last
ten\nyears\, he’s scraped by with a heavy tour schedule of small clubs\,
house\nconcerts\, and the occasional festival. Those years on the road ha
ve all but\nalienated him from his wife and daughter and left him seriousl
y questioning\nwhether it was worth it. Will Simon let his dream die to sa
ve his\nfamily?
Korby is a roots -music\nRenaissance man. A prolific songwriter for more than two decades\, he's\nspent his entire adulthood in a creative whirl\, juggling multiple roles —\nsolo artist\, road warrior\, published author\, actor\, screenw riter\,\nmulti-instrumentalist\, and storyteller — along the way.
J oin us for a\nspecial free screening of a TV pilot called MORSE CODE creat ed by musician\,\nauthor\, and actor\, Korby Lenker. Korby will kick off t he screening with a\ncouple of songs and following the screening will be o n hand for\nQ&\;A.
From Native Idahoan and longtime res
ident of East\nNashville Korby Lenker\, we bring you
In the eccentric community of modern
-day East\nNashville\, Simon Morse\, a talented but flawed thirty-somethin
g indie folk\nsinger finds himself at a crossroads as he struggles to stri
ke a balance\nbetween family and career.
It's Portlandi
a… meets\nThis Is Us… with the vinyl scratch of High
Authentic\, grounded\, quirky\, and at tim
es darkly funny\,\nMorse Code is about a working-class musician
— an archetype\nfast-disappearing from America’s Spotify-manicured lan
dscape — about a\nguy trying to hold on to his livelihood\, to stay true
to himself and his\nquiet calling in a winner-take-all world.
Simon desperately\nwants to be both a good father and a successful art
ist. For the last ten\nyears\, he’s scraped by with a heavy tour schedul
e of small clubs\, house\nconcerts\, and the occasional festival. Those ye
ars on the road have all but\nalienated him from his wife and daughter and
left him seriously questioning\nwhether it was worth it. Will Simon let h
is dream die to save his\nfamily?
If you love\ncleve r songwriting and a night of spontaneity and laughs\, this one’s for\nyo u. Three singer-songwriters. Audience participation. Artists play their\no wn songs\, play each other’s songs\, and even co-write brand-new songs\n using audience suggestions. It’s fun\, it’s funny\, and you’ll witne ss\ncreativity live! We’ve invited Nashville’s Korby Lenker (by way of\nTwin Falls)\, Canada’s Barbra Lica\, Alaska’s Orion Donicht\, and host\nKevin Worrell for an unforgettable evening of humor and song.
\nI f you love\nclever songwriting and a night of spontaneity and laughs\, thi s one’s for\nyou. Three singer-songwriters. Audience participation. Arti sts play their\nown songs\, play each other’s songs\, and even co-write brand-new songs\nusing audience suggestions. It’s fun\, it’s funny\, a nd you’ll witness\ncreativity live! We’ve invited Nashville’s Korb y Lenker (by way of\nTwin Falls)\, Canada’s Barbra Lica\, Alaska’s Ori on Donicht\, and host\nKevin Worrell for an unforgettable evening of humor and song.
For over 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professiona l\nmusicians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to work wi th and\nperform for local students. All of the artists in the 2022–2023\ nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will share their talents\ nwith students through our Residency Program.
Inspire your\neven ings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-week course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration processes\, story an d\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of crafting your very ow n\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, begi nners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning author and\nillustr ator of 30 books for children. These include her internationally\nacclaime d board books starring her bald Baby character (such as Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher ill ustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLe slie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Children’s\nPictu re Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfir st books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of knowledge about\nch ildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\na uthors and illustrators.
I nspire your\nevenings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-we ek course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration pro cesses\, story and\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of craf ting your very own\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, beginners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning au thor and\nillustrator of 30 books for children. These include her internat ionally\nacclaimed board books starring her bald Baby character (such as < em>Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher illustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLeslie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Ch ildren’s\nPicture Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfirst books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of kn owledge about\nchildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\nauthors and illustrators.
Sun Valley Wine\nC ompany and SVMoA Contemporaries invite you to a PAINT &\; SIP with\nwat ercolors and good vibes.
S un Valley Wine\nCompany and SVMoA Contemporaries invite you to a PAINT &am p\; SIP with\nwatercolors and good vibes.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and craft away. Proj ect\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether< /strong>
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and cra ft away. Project\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether
Inspire your\neven ings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-week course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration processes\, story an d\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of crafting your very ow n\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, begi nners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning author and\nillustr ator of 30 books for children. These include her internationally\nacclaime d board books starring her bald Baby character (such as Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher ill ustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLe slie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Children’s\nPictu re Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfir st books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of knowledge about\nch ildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\na uthors and illustrators.
I nspire your\nevenings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-we ek course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration pro cesses\, story and\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of craf ting your very own\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, beginners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning au thor and\nillustrator of 30 books for children. These include her internat ionally\nacclaimed board books starring her bald Baby character (such as < em>Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher illustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLeslie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Ch ildren’s\nPicture Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfirst books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of kn owledge about\nchildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\nauthors and illustrators.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a professional danc er from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV s how and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance . She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican f olk dance\nclasses at age 17 and was part of a ballet company until she wa s 20. She\nenjoys and sharing her love of dance in the Wood River Valley\, where she\nhas lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folcló rica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más so bre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en ingl és como en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenid os!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa d e televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escue la de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejor es teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su cono cimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cas t in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and oth er forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began t eaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17 and was part of a ballet com pany until she was 20. She\nenjoys and sharing her love of dance in the Wo od River Valley\, where she\nhas lived since 2008.
Ven a apren der danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dar á tanto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oa xaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió da nza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y act uó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido c ompartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunida d del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a professional danc er from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV s how and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and other forms of dance . She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican f olk dance\nclasses at age 17 and was part of a ballet company until she wa s 20. She\nenjoys and sharing her love of dance in the Wood River Valley\, where she\nhas lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folcló rica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más so bre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en ingl és como en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenid os!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa d e televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escue la de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejor es teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su cono cimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cas t in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and oth er forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began t eaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17 and was part of a ballet com pany until she was 20. She\nenjoys and sharing her love of dance in the Wo od River Valley\, where she\nhas lived since 2008.
Ven a apren der danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dar á tanto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oa xaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió da nza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y act uó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido c ompartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunida d del Valle Wood River.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and craft away. Proj ect\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether< /strong>
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and cra ft away. Project\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether
Join SVMoA\nIntern s for an evening of creative fun! Using air-dry clay and acrylic\npaints\, we’ll be making small sculptures of creatures both real and\nimaginary.
Drop in anytime – no experience necessary. Snacks\nand all m aterials will be provided. Open to all teenagers.
Teen Night is a free art-making program on\nselect F ridays by and for teens. Work with the SVMoA Team to create and\nlearn new techniques with art projects inspired by SVMoA’s past and\npresent exhi bitions. All free.
J oin SVMoA\nInterns for an evening of creative fun! Using air-dry clay and acrylic\npaints\, we’ll be making small sculptures of creatures both rea l and\nimaginary.
Drop in anytime – no experience necessary. Snacks\nand all materials will be provided. Open to all teenagers.
Teen Night is a free art-making pro gram on\nselect Fridays by and for teens. Work with the SVMoA Team to crea te and\nlearn new techniques with art projects inspired by SVMoA’s past and\npresent exhibitions. All free.
Inspire your\neven ings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-week course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration processes\, story an d\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of crafting your very ow n\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, begi nners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning author and\nillustr ator of 30 books for children. These include her internationally\nacclaime d board books starring her bald Baby character (such as Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher ill ustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLe slie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Children’s\nPictu re Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfir st books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of knowledge about\nch ildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\na uthors and illustrators.
I nspire your\nevenings with creative writing and illustration. In this 4-we ek course led\nby Leslie Patricelli\, explore writing and illustration pro cesses\, story and\ncharacter development\, and begin the exercise of craf ting your very own\npicture book.
Age &\; Ability: 17+ years\, beginners\nwelcome!
Leslie Patricelli is the award-winning au thor and\nillustrator of 30 books for children. These include her internat ionally\nacclaimed board books starring her bald Baby character (such as < em>Yummy\nYucky\, Toot\, Potty\, and Splash!)\,\nBoston Globe Horn Book Honor winner Higher! Higher!\, and\nher illustrated middle-grade series\, The Rizzlerunk Club. In 1997\,\nLeslie took a class called \"How to Write and Illustrate Ch ildren’s\nPicture Books\" at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle\, WA\, and her\nfirst books were published in 2003. Leslie has decades of kn owledge about\nchildren’s and picture books that she is excited to share with aspiring\nauthors and illustrators.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\ nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and craft away. Proj ect\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether< /strong>
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit SVMoA’s\nHailey Classroom\, explore various art materials and cra ft away. Project\nsuggestions will be provided and change weekly.
Age\n&\; Ability: all ages\, families encouraged to attend\ntogether