Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
Enjoy an\nafternoo n of listening to music and painting with SVMoA Intern Deva.\nInspired by current exhibition\, The Color of Sound\, join SVMoA for\nan expl oration of work on view and engage in a synesthetic experience\nthrough th e interaction of tunes and watercolors. No experience\nnecessary\, jus t your curious self!
Age &\; Ability:\n14 –18 years\, beginners welcome!
E njoy an\nafternoon of listening to music and painting with SVMoA Intern De va.\nInspired by current exhibition\, The Color of Sound\, join S VMoA for\nan exploration of work on view and engage in a synesthetic exper ience\nthrough the interaction of tunes and watercolors. No experience \nnecessary\, just your curious self!
Age &\; Abili ty:\n14–18 years\, beginners welcome!
Go Figure!\nElevat e your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative studio session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsett ing. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refreshments\, and an\n open\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardless of experience \nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals is recommended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.
\nAge &\; ability: 16 years and older\, all skill levels\nwe lcome!
Participants under 18 years of age need to\ nprovide a waiver signed by their guardian. CLICK HERE to dow nload.
(registe r for each Open Studio session/date\nindividually)
Bob\nDix earned a BA at San Francisco St ate University and an MFA at the New\nYork State College of Ceramics at Al fred University. He has exhibited his\nwork widely in California\, Nevada and Idaho at institutions including the\nHeadlands Center for the Arts\, S an Francisco Artspace\, the San Francisco\nArt Institute\, the Richmond Ar t Center\, the San Jose Museum of Art and the\nSan Francisco Museum of Mod ern Art.
To learn more\nabout the job description and training\, ple ase email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at
G o Figure!\nElevate your Tuesday evening and join SVMoA for a creative stud io session\nthat will explore the human figure in variations of lighting\, pose\, and\nsetting. SVMoA provides a clothed or unclothed model\, refres hments\, and an\nopen\, self-guided studio setting for participants of all abilities. Open to\nanyone interested in working from the model\, regardl ess of experience\nlevel. Familiarity with basic drawing fundamentals is r ecommended.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be p rovided.
\nAge &\; ability: 16 years and older\, all skill levels\nwelcome!
Participants under 18 year s of age need to\nprovide a waiver signed by their guardian. CLIC K HERE to download.
< em>(register for each Open Studio session/date\nindividually)
Bob\nDix earned a BA at San Francisco State University and an MFA at the New\nYork State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. He has exhibited his\nwork widely in Cal ifornia\, Nevada and Idaho at institutions including the\nHeadlands Center for the Arts\, San Francisco Artspace\, the San Francisco\nArt Institute\ , the Richmond Art Center\, the San Jose Museum of Art and the\nSan Franci sco Museum of Modern Art.
To learn more\nabout the job description a nd training\, please email Education Coordinator\nAllison Fluetsch at .
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
Enjoy\nrefreshment s and activate your senses as you tour SVMoA’s current\nexhibition\, The Color of Sound. The artwork on view examines the\nrelationship b etween art and the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia\,\nwhich allows some people to experience one sense through another.
E njoy\nrefreshments and activate your senses as you tour SVMoA’s current\ nexhibition\, The Color of Sound. The artwork on view examines th e\nrelationship between art and the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia \,\nwhich allows some people to experience one sense through another.
Enjoy\nrefreshment s and activate your senses as you tour SVMoA’s current\nexhibition\, The Color of Sound. The artwork on view examines the\nrelationship b etween art and the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia\,\nwhich allows some people to experience one sense through another.
E njoy\nrefreshments and activate your senses as you tour SVMoA’s current\ nexhibition\, The Color of Sound. The artwork on view examines th e\nrelationship between art and the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia \,\nwhich allows some people to experience one sense through another.
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
Join SVMoA staff\n and docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a single artwork in\ nthe exhibition.
J oin SVMoA staff\nand docents for fifteen minutes of conversation about a s ingle artwork in\nthe exhibition.
The seven-piece\nb
and is pulling people out of their solitary lives and putting them in the\
nmoment with a bracing dose of joyful jazz performed with infectious\nthea
tricality. The New York City-based\, familial collective has captured\nits
frenetic energy and unflinchingly optimistic songwriting on its debut\nal
bum\, Leaving Egypt. A native of Los Angeles\, Juilliard trained-Grammy®\
nnominated drummer Sammy Miller has been hailed as \"the perfect player\ns
cholar” (The Wall Street Journal).
From Lincoln Center to
\nThe White House\, The Newport Jazz Festival to Umbria Jazz\, with\nwide-
ranging special guests Wynton Marsalis to Bill Irwin (Macthur Genius\nWinn
er 1984)\, The Congregation has brought a new perspective of jazz to a\nne
w generation of listeners. In addition to touring with OneRepublic\,\nMa
vis Staples\, or The Blind Boys of Alabama\, The Congregation has dedicate
d\ncountless hours to working with over 60\,000 students across the world
using\ntheir groundbreaking PLAYBOOK platform.
This performanc e features a limited number of 4-seat café\ntables.
For over 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing professional\nmusi cians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to work with and\ nperform for local students. All of the artists in the 2022–2023\nPerfor ming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will share their talents\nwith s tudents through our Residency Program.
he seven-piece\nband is pulling people out of their solitary lives and put
ting them in the\nmoment with a bracing dose of joyful jazz performed with
infectious\ntheatricality. The New York City-based\, familial collective
has captured\nits frenetic energy and unflinchingly optimistic songwriting
on its debut\nalbum\, Leaving Egypt. A native of Los Angeles\, Juilliard
trained-Grammy®\nnominated drummer Sammy Miller has been hailed as \"the
perfect player\nscholar” (The Wall Street Journal).
Lincoln Center to\nThe White House\, The Newport Jazz Festival to Umbria J
azz\, with\nwide-ranging special guests Wynton Marsalis to Bill Irwin (Mac
thur Genius\nWinner 1984)\, The Congregation has brought a new perspective
of jazz to a\nnew generation of listeners. In addition to touring with
OneRepublic\,\nMavis Staples\, or The Blind Boys of Alabama\, The Congrega
tion has dedicated\ncountless hours to working with over 60\,000 students
across the world using\ntheir groundbreaking PLAYBOOK platform.
This performance features a limited number of 4-seat café\ntables.
For over 25 years\, SVMoA has been bringing p rofessional\nmusicians\, authors\, and artists into Blaine County Schools to work with and\nperform for local students. All of the artists in the 20 22–2023\nPerforming Arts Residency &\; Concert Series will share thei r talents\nwith students through our Residency Program.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMuseu m\, explore the current exhibition The Color of Sound\, and\nener gize their creative spirits with artmaking in the Ketchum Studio.\nPro jects will change monthly.
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover and have fun! Families and friends are invited to visit the\nMuseum\, explore the current exhibition The Color of Sound \, and\nenergize their creative spirits with artmaking in the Ketchum Studio.\nProjects will change monthly.
Start your\nGaller y Walk at SVMoA!
The Color of Sound explores the\nrelation ship between art and synesthetic experience. It features artwork by\nartis ts who are synesthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by\nw hich certain people experience one sense through another – as well as\nw ork by artists who\, though not synesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic\n experiences for viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide variety of forms\n(pe rceiving letters or numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a\nwo rd with a scent or taste)\, but perception of sound as color or as shape\n has been particularly powerful for artists who have sought to convey\nsyne sthetic experiences. The artwork in the exhibition ranges from\npaintings\ , drawings and sculptures inspired by the synesthetic experience\nof music to film projections and an immersive installation.
S tart your\nGallery Walk at SVMoA!
The Color of Sound explo res the\nrelationship between art and synesthetic experience. It features artwork by\nartists who are synesthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by\nwhich certain people experience one sense through another – as well as\nwork by artists who\, though not synesthetes\, seek to cre ate synesthetic\nexperiences for viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide vari ety of forms\n(perceiving letters or numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a\nword with a scent or taste)\, but perception of sound as co lor or as shape\nhas been particularly powerful for artists who have sough t to convey\nsynesthetic experiences. The artwork in the exhibition ranges from\npaintings\, drawings and sculptures inspired by the synesthetic exp erience\nof music to film projections and an immersive installation.
< hr />\nSpark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Spark creativity\,
\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly afternoon of art\nacti
vities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to explore a variety\no
f art forms.
Open to students ages 12–15 years\nol
d. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students at 3pm. Class\nwi
ll run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hospital in Sun\nVal ley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJack son graduated from the University of Idaho with a major in Fine Art and\nD esign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture. He has shown\nh is photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\ntea ching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 and covers\nmultip le art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
< /div>
park creativity\,\nengage with friends\, and play with art! A weekly after
noon of art\nactivities\, After School Art Lab offers opportunities to exp
lore a variety\nof art forms.
Open to students ages
12–15 years\nold. All levels welcome!
Doors will open to students
at 3pm. Class\nwill run from 3:30–5pm.
Born at the old Moritz hos pital in Sun\nValley Idaho\, Jackson Flynn has been Idaho rooted since the beginning.\nJackson graduated from the University of Idaho with a major i n Fine Art and\nDesign (emphasis in sculpture) and a minor in Architecture . He has shown\nhis photography and sculptural work in shows across Idaho. He has been\nteaching ceramics at Boulder Mountain Clayworks since 2014 a nd covers\nmultiple art classes at the Sun Valley Community School.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\ nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be taught in both\nEng lish and Spanish.
Age and ability: 10–16\n years old.
Dirce Flores is a profes sional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolkloric and other for ms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxaca\, began teachin g Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company u ntil she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance\nin the Wood Riv er Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender danza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y aprendes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará tanto en inglés c omo en español.
\nEdad y habilidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todos bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 19 95\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de tel evisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores te atros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimie nto de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood Rive r
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body and learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! This class will be ta ught in both\nEnglish and Spanish.
Age and a bility: 10–16\nyears old.
Dirce F lores is a professional dancer from Mexico. In 1995\, at the age\nof 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and later returned to the study of\nfolklo ric and other forms of dance. She performed in the best theaters in\nOaxac a\, began teaching Mexican folk dance classes at age 17 and was part of\na ballet company until she was 20. She enjoys and sharing her love of dance \nin the Wood River Valley\, where she has lived since 2008.
Ven a aprender d anza folclórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves\ntu cuerpo y apre ndes más sobre la cultura de México. Esta\nclase se dará ta nto en inglés como en español.
\nEdad y habi lidad: de 10 a 16\naños\, ¡todo s bienvenidos!
Dirce\nes una bailarina profesional de Oaxaca\ , México. En 1995\, cuando tenía\ndiez años\, consiguió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió danza e n una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó e n los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compar tir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River
Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between art and\nsynestheti c experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsynesthetes—who ex perience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\npeople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nwho\, though not s ynesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\nviewers. Synesthe sia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\nor numbers as co lors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent or\ntaste)\, but p erception of sound as color or as shape has been particularly\npowerful fo r artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experiences. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sculptures\ninspire d by the synesthetic experience of music to film projections and an\nimmer sive installation.
E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators .
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between ar t and\nsynesthetic experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsyn esthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\np eople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nw ho\, though not synesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\n viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\ nor numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent o r\ntaste)\, but perception of sound as color or as shape has been particul arly\npowerful for artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experienc es. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sc ulptures\ninspired by the synesthetic experience of music to film projecti ons and an\nimmersive installation.
Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between art and\nsynestheti c experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsynesthetes—who ex perience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\npeople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nwho\, though not s ynesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\nviewers. Synesthe sia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\nor numbers as co lors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent or\ntaste)\, but p erception of sound as color or as shape has been particularly\npowerful fo r artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experiences. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sculptures\ninspire d by the synesthetic experience of music to film projections and an\nimmer sive installation.
E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators .
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between ar t and\nsynesthetic experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsyn esthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\np eople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nw ho\, though not synesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\n viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\ nor numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent o r\ntaste)\, but perception of sound as color or as shape has been particul arly\npowerful for artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experienc es. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sc ulptures\ninspired by the synesthetic experience of music to film projecti ons and an\nimmersive installation.
For the 8th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary—this is your annual\nchance to pre dict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The 95th Academy Awards take place\nSunday\, Mar ch 12\, 2023.
Rating equivale nt of PG-13 for adult\nthemes.
\n< /div>
F or the 8th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary—this is your annu al\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The 95th Academy Awards take pla ce\nSunday\, March 12\, 2023.
Rating equivalent of PG-13 for adult\nthemes.
Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between art and\nsynestheti c experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsynesthetes—who ex perience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\npeople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nwho\, though not s ynesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\nviewers. Synesthe sia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\nor numbers as co lors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent or\ntaste)\, but p erception of sound as color or as shape has been particularly\npowerful fo r artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experiences. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sculptures\ninspire d by the synesthetic experience of music to film projections and an\nimmer sive installation.
E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators .
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between ar t and\nsynesthetic experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsyn esthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\np eople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nw ho\, though not synesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\n viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\ nor numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent o r\ntaste)\, but perception of sound as color or as shape has been particul arly\npowerful for artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experienc es. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sc ulptures\ninspired by the synesthetic experience of music to film projecti ons and an\nimmersive installation.
Enjoy\nrefreshment s as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators.
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between art and\nsynestheti c experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsynesthetes—who ex perience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\npeople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nwho\, though not s ynesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\nviewers. Synesthe sia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\nor numbers as co lors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent or\ntaste)\, but p erception of sound as color or as shape has been particularly\npowerful fo r artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experiences. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sculptures\ninspire d by the synesthetic experience of music to film projections and an\nimmer sive installation.
E njoy\nrefreshments as you tour the exhibition with The Museum’s curators .
\nThe Color of Sound explores the relationship between ar t and\nsynesthetic experience. It features artwork by artists who are\nsyn esthetes—who experience synesthesia\, the phenomenon by which certain\np eople experience one sense through another—as well as work by artists\nw ho\, though not synesthetes\, seek to create synesthetic experiences for\n viewers. Synesthesia can take a wide variety of forms (perceiving letters\ nor numbers as colors\, for example\, or associating a word with a scent o r\ntaste)\, but perception of sound as color or as shape has been particul arly\npowerful for artists who have sought to convey synesthetic experienc es. The\nartwork in the exhibition ranges from paintings\, drawings and sc ulptures\ninspired by the synesthetic experience of music to film projecti ons and an\nimmersive installation.
For the 8th\nconse cutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lantern Cinemas\npres ent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three categories\noffered—A nimated\, Live Action and Documentary—this is your annual\nchance to pre dict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year ’s selection of shorts. The 95th Academy Awards take place\nSunday\, Mar ch 12\, 2023.
Rating equivale nt of PG-13 for adult\nthemes.
\n< /div>
F or the 8th\nconsecutive year\, Sun Valley Museum of Art and the Magic Lant ern Cinemas\npresent the Oscar-Nominated Short Film. With all three catego ries\noffered—Animated\, Live Action and Documentary—this is your annu al\nchance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)! A\nperennial hit with audiences around the country and the world\, don’t miss\nthis year’s selection of shorts. The 95th Academy Awards take pla ce\nSunday\, March 12\, 2023.
Rating equivalent of PG-13 for adult\nthemes.