Participants will\ ncreate their own hand-painted scarves. A variety of painting techniques\n will be discussed before adding color with fabric paints to a blank white\ nscarf. Participants will carve their own stamp designs to add pattern\nan d/or accents to their scarf. Participants will walk away with a unique\nwe arable piece of art.
Age and ability: 16yrs and older\, \nbeginners welcome!
Boise artist\, Lisa Flowers Ross\, creates abstract\ntext ile art that reduces core elements into basic shapes and organic forms.\nH er hand dyed colors and distinct edges create a graphic quality\, while\na dded stitching enhances the tactile nature of the fabric. In her body of\n work\, nature and daily observation are her main inspirations. Flowers\nRo ss’ artwork has been exhibited in solo\, group and juried exhibitions\nn ationally and internationally\, and are included in private\, public and\n corporate collections. The artist has created several public artworks\,\nr eceived grants from the Idaho Commission on the Arts and Alexa Rose\nFound ation and has been an artist-in-residence in Oregon\, Idaho and\nWyoming. Flowers Ross holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art\n(drawing)\, as well as a degree in Business. She is a juried artist member\nof the profe ssional groups\, Northwest Designer Craftsmen and Boise Open\nStudio Colle ctive Organization.
P articipants will\ncreate their own hand-painted scarves. A variety of pain ting techniques\nwill be discussed before adding color with fabric paints to a blank white\nscarf. Participants will carve their own stamp designs t o add pattern\nand/or accents to their scarf. Participants will walk away with a unique\nwearable piece of art.
Age and ability: 16yrs and older\,\nbeginners welcome!
Boise artist\, Lisa Flowers Ross\, creat es abstract\ntextile art that reduces core elements into basic shapes and organic forms.\nHer hand dyed colors and distinct edges create a graphic q uality\, while\nadded stitching enhances the tactile nature of the fabric. In her body of\nwork\, nature and daily observation are her main inspirat ions. Flowers\nRoss’ artwork has been exhibited in solo\, group and juri ed exhibitions\nnationally and internationally\, and are included in priva te\, public and\ncorporate collections. The artist has created several pub lic artworks\,\nreceived grants from the Idaho Commission on the Arts and Alexa Rose\nFoundation and has been an artist-in-residence in Oregon\, Ida ho and\nWyoming. Flowers Ross holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Ar t\n(drawing)\, as well as a degree in Business. She is a juried artist mem ber\nof the professional groups\, Northwest Designer Craftsmen and Boise O pen\nStudio Collective Organization.
Join us for a fun\ nmorning of activities to celebrate Mother’s Day! Participants will\ndec orate a hat using paint and/or fiber art with artist Denice Nava. SVMoA\nw ill provide hats and all other supplies. Childcare and activities will\nal so be provided. Jane Lopez will lead children in folkloric dances called\n “Rondas” that will be presented as part of the celebration.
\nClass will be taught in Spanish.
Denice Nava Lara was born in the city of Puruándiro in\nthe n
orth of the Mexican state of Michoacán. She discovered her creativity\nan
d passion for art at a very young age. One of her favorite things to do\nt
hroughout her childhood was decorating her bedroom\, using paint and empty
\ntuna cans to create perfect polka dots and transforming her wall into a\
nvibrant work of art. Denice left her hometown for Reno\, Nevada\, where s
he\nstarted her family and spent 22 years before falling in love with Idah
o’s\nlandscapes and kind people during a family trip to visit friends. O
ne month\nlater\, she decided to move to Idaho with her family. Denice enj
oys\nvolunteering at the Hunger Coalition and uses recycled materials to c
reate\nbeautiful and useful pieces.
Born in Los Angeles\,\n
California\, Jane Lopez moved to Idaho at the age of 13 and has lived sinc
e.\nHer parents are from the states of Michoacán and Sinaloa\, Mexico. \
nFolkloric dances have long been an important part of her life. Jane start
ed\ntaking classes in Los Angeles at the age of 6. When Jane was 14\, she
spent\nthe summer in Mazatlán\, Sinaloa\, and attended Ballet Folkloric S
chool.\nJane has continued to learn dances from different states of Mexico
and\nshares these traditional dances at Wood River High School.
¡Acompañanos para una mañana llena de actividades divertidas
para\ncelebrar el día de las madres! Los participantes decorarán un som
brero\ncon pintura y otros materiales con la artista Denice Nava. Los somb
reros y\notros materiales artísticos serán proporcionados por SVMoA. Hab
rán\nactividades para los niños así como asistencia con ellos. Jane Ló
pez\nguiará a los niños en bailes infantiles culturales llamados “Rond
as”\,\nque serán presentados como parte de la celebración.
La\ninstrucción de esta clase es en Español.
Denice Nava Lara nació en el pueblo de Pur uándiro en\nel norte del estado Mexicano de Michoacán. Descubrió su pas ión por las\nartes desde una muy temprana edad. Una de sus actividades fa voritas durante\nsu infancia era decorar su habitación. Usando pintura y latas de atún\nvacías para crear los círculos perfectos ella convirti ó su pared en una\nobra de arte vibrante. Denice se mudó de su pueblo na tal hacia Reno\,\nNevada\, donde formó una familia y pasó 22 años de su vida. Más tarde se\nenamoró de Idaho y sus paisajes hermosos mientras e staba de vacaciones\nvisitando a unos amigos. Un mes posterior a su visita decidió mudarse a\nIdaho con su familia. Denice disfruta participar como voluntaria en el\nHunger Coalition y utiliza materiales reciclados para c rear piezas de arte\nhermosas y útiles.
Nacida en Los Ángeles\, C alifornia\, Jane López\nse mudó al estado de Idaho a los 13 años de eda d y ha vivido aquí desde\nentonces. Sus padres son de Michoacán y Sinalo a\, México. Los bailes\nfolklóricos han sido una parte importante de su vida. Jane comenzó a\ntomar clases en Los Ángeles desde los 6 años. C uando Jane tenía la\nedad de 14 pasó su verano en Mazatlán\, Sinaloa\, donde fue a la escuela de\nballet folclórico. Desde entonces Jane contin úa aprendiendo sobre los\nbailes de diferentes estados de México y compa rte estos bailes\ntradicionales con los alumnos en Wood River High School.
J oin us for a fun\nmorning of activities to celebrate Mother’s Day! Parti cipants will\ndecorate a hat using paint and/or fiber art with artist Deni ce Nava. SVMoA\nwill provide hats and all other supplies. Childcare and ac tivities will\nalso be provided. Jane Lopez will lead children in folklori c dances called\n“Rondas” that will be presented as part of the celebr ation.
\nClass will be taught in Spanish.
Denice Nava Lara was born in the city of Puru
ándiro in\nthe north of the Mexican state of Michoacán. She discovered h
er creativity\nand passion for art at a very young age. One of her favorit
e things to do\nthroughout her childhood was decorating her bedroom\, usin
g paint and empty\ntuna cans to create perfect polka dots and transforming
her wall into a\nvibrant work of art. Denice left her hometown for Reno\,
Nevada\, where she\nstarted her family and spent 22 years before falling
in love with Idaho’s\nlandscapes and kind people during a family trip to
visit friends. One month\nlater\, she decided to move to Idaho with her f
amily. Denice enjoys\nvolunteering at the Hunger Coalition and uses recycl
ed materials to create\nbeautiful and useful pieces.
Born i
n Los Angeles\,\nCalifornia\, Jane Lopez moved to Idaho at the age of 13 a
nd has lived since.\nHer parents are from the states of Michoacán and Sin
aloa\, Mexico. \nFolkloric dances have long been an important part of her
life. Jane started\ntaking classes in Los Angeles at the age of 6. When J
ane was 14\, she spent\nthe summer in Mazatlán\, Sinaloa\, and attended B
allet Folkloric School.\nJane has continued to learn dances from different
states of Mexico and\nshares these traditional dances at Wood River High
¡Acompañanos para una mañana llena de activ
idades divertidas para\ncelebrar el día de las madres! Los participantes
decorarán un sombrero\ncon pintura y otros materiales con la artista Deni
ce Nava. Los sombreros y\notros materiales artísticos serán proporcionad
os por SVMoA. Habrán\nactividades para los niños así como asistencia co
n ellos. Jane López\nguiará a los niños en bailes infantiles culturales
llamados “Rondas”\,\nque serán presentados como parte de la celebrac
La\ninstrucción de esta clase es en Español.
Denice Nava Lara nació en el pueblo de Puruándiro en\nel norte del estado Mexicano de Michoacán. Descubrió su pasión por las\nartes desde una muy temprana edad. Una de s us actividades favoritas durante\nsu infancia era decorar su habitación . Usando pintura y latas de atún\nvacías para crear los círculos perfec tos ella convirtió su pared en una\nobra de arte vibrante. Denice se mud ó de su pueblo natal hacia Reno\,\nNevada\, donde formó una familia y pa só 22 años de su vida. Más tarde se\nenamoró de Idaho y sus paisajes h ermosos mientras estaba de vacaciones\nvisitando a unos amigos. Un mes pos terior a su visita decidió mudarse a\nIdaho con su familia. Denice disfru ta participar como voluntaria en el\nHunger Coalition y utiliza materiales reciclados para crear piezas de arte\nhermosas y útiles.
Nacida e n Los Ángeles\, California\, Jane López\nse mudó al estado de Idaho a l os 13 años de edad y ha vivido aquí desde\nentonces. Sus padres son de M ichoacán y Sinaloa\, México. Los bailes\nfolklóricos han sido una parte importante de su vida. Jane comenzó a\ntomar clases en Los Ángeles desd e los 6 años. Cuando Jane tenía la\nedad de 14 pasó su verano en Maza tlán\, Sinaloa\, donde fue a la escuela de\nballet folclórico. Desde ent onces Jane continúa aprendiendo sobre los\nbailes de diferentes estados d e México y comparte estos bailes\ntradicionales con los alumnos en Wood R iver High School.
Drawing directly\n from the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone technical drawing\nsk ills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold a variety of poses\nthrou ghout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome. Bring your own\nsu pplies\, drawing boards provided.
March 31 at Hailey Classroom with assistance by Bob Dix\n($25
April 21 at Hailey Classroom without instruction ($10)
12 at Hailey Classroom without instruction ($10)
D rawing directly\nfrom the human figure\, use this opportunity to hone tech nical drawing\nskills in a relaxed environment. A model will hold a variet y of poses\nthroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome. B ring your own\nsupplies\, drawing boards provided.
March 31 at Hailey Classroom with assistance
by Bob Dix\n($25)
April 21 at Hailey Classroom without instruction
\nMay 12 at Hailey Classroom without instruction ($10)
FREE\,\npre -registration required. Each session has limited space.
\n< hr />Walk-in visitors are always welcome\, but if you’d like to lear n\nmore about the exhibition\, SVMoA’s curatorial staff offer free exhib ition\ntours to families and small groups. Please contact The Museum to sc hedule\nyour tour.
Para arreglar visitas guiadas en español\, favo r de\nllamar al Museo.
FREE\,\npre-registration required. Each session has limited space.< /span>
\nWalk-in visitors are always welcome\, but if yo u’d like to learn\nmore about the exhibition\, SVMoA’s curatorial staf f offer free exhibition\ntours to families and small groups. Please contac t The Museum to schedule\nyour tour.
Para arreglar visitas guiadas en español\, favor de\nllamar al Museo.
FREE\,\npre -registration required. Each session has limited space.
\n< hr />Walk-in visitors are always welcome\, but if you’d like to lear n\nmore about the exhibition\, SVMoA’s curatorial staff offer free exhib ition\ntours to families and small groups. Please contact The Museum to sc hedule\nyour tour.
Para arreglar visitas guiadas en español\, favo r de\nllamar al Museo.
FREE\,\npre-registration required. Each session has limited space.< /span>
\nWalk-in visitors are always welcome\, but if yo u’d like to learn\nmore about the exhibition\, SVMoA’s curatorial staf f offer free exhibition\ntours to families and small groups. Please contac t The Museum to schedule\nyour tour.
Para arreglar visitas guiadas en español\, favor de\nllamar al Museo.
In this afternoon\ nworkshop\, students will carve their own woodcut and print a small editio n\nof three prints. The class will explore the oldest form of printmaking\ nthrough image transferring\, carving a block\, and learning the process o f\nhand printing without the use of a press.
WHEN: Friday\, May
21\nfrom 1pm–4pm
WHERE: Hailey Classroom
TO\nBRING: water bottle\, personal snacks\, clean mask
Chad Seelig is an artist and educator from\nFort Collins\, CO. He is a new media technology artist and teaches a t\nColorado State University\, Front Range Community College\, and Metropo litan\nState University. Chad studied at Pratt Institute with an emphasis in\nintaglio\, lithography and bookbinding and he has a masters from Unive rsity\nof Massachusetts\, Amherst.
I n this afternoon\nworkshop\, students will carve their own woodcut and pri nt a small edition\nof three prints. The class will explore the oldest for m of printmaking\nthrough image transferring\, carving a block\, and learn ing the process of\nhand printing without the use of a press.
Friday\, May 21\nfrom 1pm–4pm
WHERE: Hailey Classroo
WHAT TO\nBRING: water bottle\, personal snacks\, clean ma
Chad Seelig is an art ist and educator from\nFort Collins\, CO. He is a new media technology art ist and teaches at\nColorado State University\, Front Range Community Coll ege\, and Metropolitan\nState University. Chad studied at Pratt Institute with an emphasis in\nintaglio\, lithography and bookbinding and he has a m asters from University\nof Massachusetts\, Amherst.
Students will\ndis cover the oldest form of printmaking through the creation of multiple\ncol or woodcut prints using a single woodblock. The class will cover image\ntr ansfer\, block carving process\, print registering and how to print using a\nprintmaking press.
MEDIA: Printmaking
AGE &\;\n
ABILITY: 18 years and older — beginners welcome!
Chad is a new media technology artist and educa tor\nfrom Fort Collins\, CO. He teaches at Colorado State University\, Fro nt Range\nCommunity College\, and Metropolitan State University. Chad stud ied at Pratt\nInstitute with an emphasis in intaglio\, lithography and boo k binding and\nreceived his masters at University of Massachusetts\, Amher st.
S tudents will\ndiscover the oldest form of printmaking through the creation of multiple\ncolor woodcut prints using a single woodblock. The class wil l cover image\ntransfer\, block carving process\, print registering and ho w to print using a\nprintmaking press.
MEDIA: Printmaking AGE &\;\nABILITY: 18 years and older — beginners welcome!
Chad is a new media technology artist and educator\nfrom Fort Collins\, CO. He teaches at Colorado State University\, Front Range\nCommunity College\, and Metropolitan State Univ ersity. Chad studied at Pratt\nInstitute with an emphasis in intaglio\, li thography and book binding and\nreceived his masters at University of Mass achusetts\, Amherst.