Join SVMoA for the first in a series of\nconversations about portraiture in the 21st century. How are\ncontemporary artists approaching the genre of portraiture in new and\ninnovative ways? How can portraits ex press not just the identity of the\nsitter but larger ideas reflecting the time and place in which they are\nmade? At our first meeting\, we’ll sc reen short films from Art21 before\ndiscussing answers to these questions and more.
Join SVMoA for the first in a series of\nconversations a bout portraiture in the 21st century. How are\ncontemporary art ists approaching the genre of portraiture in new and\ninnovative ways? How can portraits express not just the identity of the\nsitter but larger ide as reflecting the time and place in which they are\nmade? At our first mee ting\, we’ll screen short films from Art21 before\ndiscussing answers to these questions and more.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!
Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!
Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.
Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome.
\nBr ing your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.
\nAge &\; ability: 18+\, all skill levels welcome!
\n(register for each Open Studio session/date\nindividua lly)
To lear n more\nabout the job description and training\, please email us at
U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcom e.
\nBring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.< /em>
\nAge &\; ability: 18+\, all skill levels welcome!
\n(register for each Open Studio sessio n/date\nindividually)
To learn more\nabout the job description and training\, please e mail us at .
Join Kika MacFarlane and Tala Schlossberg\nof Two Toes Creative for a con versation about their creative process and\nwork for clients ranging from The New York Times to\nPatagonia and environmental nonpr ofits. They’ll also talk about\ntheir Idea Camps\, which allow makers of all kinds to build creative\ncommunity and invite play into their work wh ile participating in outdoor\nretreats\, including a recent Idea Camp on t he Salmon\nRiver.
Join Kika MacFarlane and Tala Schlossberg\nof Two Toes C reative for a conversation about their creative process and\nwork for clie nts ranging from The New York Times to\nPatagonia and en vironmental nonprofits. They’ll also talk about\ntheir Idea Camps\, whic h allow makers of all kinds to build creative\ncommunity and invite play i nto their work while participating in outdoor\nretreats\, including a rece nt Idea Camp on the Salmon\nRiver.
Join Kika MacFarlane and Tala Schlossberg\nof Two Toes Creative for a con versation about their creative process and\nwork for clients ranging from The New York Times to\nPatagonia and environmental nonpr ofits. They’ll also talk about\ntheir Idea Camps\, which allow makers of all kinds to build creative\ncommunity and invite play into their work wh ile participating in outdoor\nretreats\, including a recent Idea Camp on t he Salmon\nRiver.
Join Kika MacFarlane and Tala Schlossberg\nof Two Toes C reative for a conversation about their creative process and\nwork for clie nts ranging from The New York Times to\nPatagonia and en vironmental nonprofits. They’ll also talk about\ntheir Idea Camps\, whic h allow makers of all kinds to build creative\ncommunity and invite play i nto their work while participating in outdoor\nretreats\, including a rece nt Idea Camp on the Salmon\nRiver.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is offered in BOTH\nKe tchum and Hailey locations!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\n opportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the \nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friend s\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists togeth er.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirati on.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, fam ilies\nencouraged to attend together
Afte rnoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for fami lies with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and locatio n.
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is of fered in BOTH\nKetchum and Hailey locations!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Fa milies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Abilit y: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of e ach month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are rec ommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is offered in BOTH\nKe tchum and Hailey locations!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\n opportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the \nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friend s\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists togeth er.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirati on.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Ability: all ages\, fam ilies\nencouraged to attend together
Afte rnoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for fami lies with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and locatio n.
P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! Afternoon Art on Jan 12 is of fered in BOTH\nKetchum and Hailey locations!
Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Fa milies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.
Age &\; Abilit y: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together
Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of e ach month and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are rec ommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.
Join\n us for a celebration of Idaho Rivers / Idaho Artists. Refreshments will\ns erved.
< span>Join\nus for a celebration of Idaho Rivers / Idaho Artists. Ref reshments will\nserved.
Explore the\ninter section of landscape photography with portraiture. Learn about camera\nset tings\, making lens choices and using natural light to compose powerful\nl andscape photographs and environmental portraits. The two-day workshop\nwi ll consist of classroom instruction and a location shoot allowing\npartici pants the opportunity to practice their photography skills\, learn\nthe ba sics of editing\, and engage in the post-production process.
\nStude nts will need:
Age &\; ability:\n17+\, basic knowledge of how to operate your camera in manual\nmode\ ; advanced photography skills not required.
E xplore the\nintersection of landscape photography with portraiture. Learn about camera\nsettings\, making lens choices and using natural light to co mpose powerful\nlandscape photographs and environmental portraits. The two -day workshop\nwill consist of classroom instruction and a location shoot allowing\nparticipants the opportunity to practice their photography skill s\, learn\nthe basics of editing\, and engage in the post-production proce ss.
\nStudents will need:
Age &\; ability:< strong>\n17+\, basic knowledge of how to operate your camera in manual\nmode\; advanced photography skills not required.
Coinciding with SVMoA’s exhibition\nIdaho Rivers / Idaho Artists\, auth or Julie Weston will share details about\nthe research she did for her for thcoming novel Salmon Moon: The River of No\nReturn. The sixth book in Wes ton’s series following photographer Nellie\nBurns and her black Lab\, Mo onshine\, the story takes place along the Salmon\nRiver from the Sunbeam D am to Riggins\, Idaho. “In and out of the Salmon\nRiver\, Nellie\, her h usband\, Nurse Janie\, Moonie\, and river sweeper Ace\,\nchase a criminal gang who stole a miner's poke and left two men for dead.\nMystery and adve nture all in one!”
Coinciding with SVMoA’s exhibition\nIdaho Rivers / Ida ho Artists\, author Julie Weston will share details about\nthe research sh e did for her forthcoming novel Salmon Moon: The River of No\nReturn. The sixth book in Weston’s series following photographer Nellie\nBurns and h er black Lab\, Moonshine\, the story takes place along the Salmon\nRiver f rom the Sunbeam Dam to Riggins\, Idaho. “In and out of the Salmon\nRiver \, Nellie\, her husband\, Nurse Janie\, Moonie\, and river sweeper Ace\,\n chase a criminal gang who stole a miner's poke and left two men for dead.\ nMystery and adventure all in one!”
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.
Age &\; ability:\n8– 14 years old\; students of all levels welcome.
\nDirce Flores is a p rofessional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and othe r forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began te aching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was part of a ballet co mpany until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of dance with the Woo d River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza\nfolklór ica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes\nmás sob re la cultura de México. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores\nenseñará las clases en español e inglés.
Edad y\nhabilidad: 10-14 a ños\; estudiantes de todos niveles son\nbienvenidos!
Dirce es\nuna bailarina profesional de Oax aca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía diez\naños\, consiguió un papel e n un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió dan za en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actu ó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido co mpartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.
Age & \; ability:\n8–14 years old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n
Di rce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of f olkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was pa rt of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of d ance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza\nfolklórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y ap rendes\nmás sobre la cultura de México. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores \nenseñará las clases en español e inglés.
Edad y\nhabi lidad: 10-14 años\; estudiantes de todos niveles son\nbienvenidos!
Dirce es\nuna bailarina pro fesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía diez\naños\, consig uió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos año s. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana c on la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Come and learn\nMe xican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, and learn more abou t\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores will lead the clas ses\nin both Spanish and English.
Age &\; ability:\n8– 14 years old\; students of all levels welcome.
\nDirce Flores is a p rofessional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of folkloric and othe r forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began te aching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was part of a ballet co mpany until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of dance with the Woo d River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza\nfolklór ica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y aprendes\nmás sob re la cultura de México. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores\nenseñará las clases en español e inglés.
Edad y\nhabilidad: 10-14 a ños\; estudiantes de todos niveles son\nbienvenidos!
Dirce es\nuna bailarina profesional de Oax aca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía diez\naños\, consiguió un papel e n un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos años. Estudió dan za en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actu ó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido co mpartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana con la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
C ome and learn\nMexican folk dance while you have fun\, move your body\, an d learn more about\nthe culture of Mexico! Dance instructor Dirce Flores w ill lead the classes\nin both Spanish and English.
Age & \; ability:\n8–14 years old\; students of all levels welcome.< /p>\n
Di rce Flores is a professional dancer from\nMexico. In 1995\, at the age of 10\, she was cast in a local TV show and\nlater returned to the study of f olkloric and other forms of dance. She\nperformed in the best theaters in Oaxaca\, began teaching Mexican folk dance\nclasses at age 17\, and was pa rt of a ballet company until she was 20. She\nenjoys sharing her love of d ance with the Wood River Valley\, where she has\nlived since 2008.
Ven y aprende danza\nfolklórica mexicana mientras te diviertes\, mueves tu cuerpo y ap rendes\nmás sobre la cultura de México. La maestra de baile Dirce Flores \nenseñará las clases en español e inglés.
Edad y\nhabi lidad: 10-14 años\; estudiantes de todos niveles son\nbienvenidos!
Dirce es\nuna bailarina pro fesional de Oaxaca\, México. En 1995\, cuando tenía diez\naños\, consig uió un papel en un programa de televisión para niños\ndurante unos año s. Estudió danza en una escuela de artes y humanidades.\nSe hizo maestra de baile y actuó en los mejores teatros de Oaxaca.\nRecientemente\, Dirce ha decidido compartir su conocimiento de la danza\nfolklórica mexicana c on la comunidad del Valle Wood River.
Learn Japanese dying techniques\,\nexplore the possibilities of Ind igo\, and walk away with a stylish new\ncustom-made hoodie!
\nTie-dye a cotton hoodie usi ng Japanese style\nIndigo dyeing. Explore\nthe possibilities of Indigo with submersive dyeing an d Shibori\, a Japanese\nresist-dyeing technique that involves twisting and binding to create a vast\narray of patterns in the fabric. Hoodies will b e provided as part of the\nworkshop\, but you are welcome to bring your ow n items to dye. Dyeable\nfabrics that work best for this process are wool\ , silk (100% animal protein\nfibers)\, 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo\nfiber s.
Make\nsure t o wear clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting some splashes of\nblu e on!
Age &\; Ability:\n12+ and up\, all levels\, beginners\nwelcome!< /span>
Amy Johnson received her BFA from the\nUniversity of CO\, Bou lder. Johnson holds a M.F.A. from the University of\nWashington ceramics p rogram. She has maintained an active art career with\nexhibitions\, perfor mances\, lectures and residency programs.\n
Learn Japanese dying techniques\,\nexplore the pos sibilities of Indigo\, and walk away with a stylish new\ncustom-made hoodi e!
\nTie-dye a cotton hoodie using Japanese style\nIndigo dyeing. Explore\nthe possibilities of Indigo with sub mersive dyeing and Shibori\, a Japanese\nresist-dyeing technique that invo lves twisting and binding to create a vast\narray of patterns in the fabri c. Hoodies will be provided as part of the\nworkshop\, but you are welcome to bring your own items to dye. Dyeable\nfabrics that work best for this process are wool\, silk (100% animal protein\nfibers)\, 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo\nfibers.
< span>Make\nsure to wear clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting some splashes of\nblue on!
Age & \; Ability:\n12+ and up\, all levels\, beginners\nwelcom e!
Amy Johnson received her BFA from the\nUnive rsity of CO\, Boulder. Johnson holds a M.F.A. from the University of\nWash ington ceramics program. She has maintained an active art career with\nexh ibitions\, performances\, lectures and residency programs.\n
Learn Japanese dying techniques\,\nexplore the possibilities of Ind igo\, and walk away with a stylish new\ncustom-made hoodie!
\nTie-dye a cotton hoodie usi ng Japanese style\nIndigo dyeing. Explore\nthe possibilities of Indigo with submersive dyeing an d Shibori\, a Japanese\nresist-dyeing technique that involves twisting and binding to create a vast\narray of patterns in the fabric. Hoodies will b e provided as part of the\nworkshop\, but you are welcome to bring your ow n items to dye. Dyeable\nfabrics that work best for this process are wool\ , silk (100% animal protein\nfibers)\, 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo\nfiber s.
Make\nsure t o wear clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting some splashes of\nblu e on!
Age &\; Ability:\n12+ and up\, all levels\, beginners\nwelcome!< /span>
Amy Johnson received her BFA from the\nUniversity of CO\, Bou lder. Johnson holds a M.F.A. from the University of\nWashington ceramics p rogram. She has maintained an active art career with\nexhibitions\, perfor mances\, lectures and residency programs.\n
Learn Japanese dying techniques\,\nexplore the pos sibilities of Indigo\, and walk away with a stylish new\ncustom-made hoodi e!
\nTie-dye a cotton hoodie using Japanese style\nIndigo dyeing. Explore\nthe possibilities of Indigo with sub mersive dyeing and Shibori\, a Japanese\nresist-dyeing technique that invo lves twisting and binding to create a vast\narray of patterns in the fabri c. Hoodies will be provided as part of the\nworkshop\, but you are welcome to bring your own items to dye. Dyeable\nfabrics that work best for this process are wool\, silk (100% animal protein\nfibers)\, 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo\nfibers.
< span>Make\nsure to wear clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting some splashes of\nblue on!
Age & \; Ability:\n12+ and up\, all levels\, beginners\nwelcom e!
Amy Johnson received her BFA from the\nUnive rsity of CO\, Boulder. Johnson holds a M.F.A. from the University of\nWash ington ceramics program. She has maintained an active art career with\nexh ibitions\, performances\, lectures and residency programs.\n
Use\nt hose plants you know and love in a new way. Plant those marigolds and\nmor e! In this hands-on textile dyeing workshop\, explore the possibilities\no f working with flowers and plants for dye baths. Work with cloth (wool\,\n silk)\, yarn\, or both. Discover various surface design techniques and the \nbeauty of eco printing as you learn how to create dye baths and prepare the\nfabrics for dyeing. Instructor Amy Johnson will guide you through the best\nway for preparing fabrics for dyeing\, from fabric selection\, to w ashing\,\nscouring and post-dyeing treatment that will give your dyed good s the\nlongest life possible. Make sure to wear clothes and shoes that you won’t\nmind getting dirty! SVMoA will provide a silk and a wool scarf f or\nparticipants to dye\, but you are welcome to bring your own items to d ye.\nDyeable fabrics that work best for this process are wool\, silk (100% animal\nprotein fibers) 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo fibers.
\nAge &\; Ability: 16+\, beginners\nwel come!
< span>Use\nthose plants you know and love in a new way. Plant those m arigolds and\nmore! In this hands-on textile dyeing workshop\, explore the possibilities\nof working with flowers and plants for dye baths. Work wit h cloth (wool\,\nsilk)\, yarn\, or both. Discover various surface design t echniques and the\nbeauty of eco printing as you learn how to create dye b aths and prepare the\nfabrics for dyeing. Instructor Amy Johnson will guid e you through the best\nway for preparing fabrics for dyeing\, from fabric selection\, to washing\,\nscouring and post-dyeing treatment that will gi ve your dyed goods the\nlongest life possible. Make sure to wear clothes a nd shoes that you won’t\nmind getting dirty! SVMoA will provide a silk a nd a wool scarf for\nparticipants to dye\, but you are welcome to bring yo ur own items to dye.\nDyeable fabrics that work best for this process are wool\, silk (100% animal\nprotein fibers) 100% cotton\, hemp or bamboo fib ers.
\nAge &\; Ability: 16+ \, beginners\nwelcome!